Advanced Astrology

Clear sight in the Dark

Mountainash Astrology ⚘ Plutonic Astrology


Astrology provides a template, a map, or a language, to communicate about energy

Astrology is an ancient modality that many ancient cultures knew about and regularly utilized as a tool. The ancient astrologers were revered and were consulted for marriage, investments, war tactics and more. In fact, the knowledge of Astrology is so powerful that it was a secret sect that was mostly held within the Priesthood or with the Highest Spiritual Sects of these ancient cultures. Humanity has known for thousands of years that the planets affect us on earth. The simplest and easiest way to conceptualize this is we know that the full moon dramatically affects the ocean tides and with our bodies being nearly 80% water, we too are affected just as much. And that is just the moon, the moon is much smaller than the other planets! Each planet has it’s own specific way that it affects us and astrology details how and when this occurs.

Astrology provides a map to understanding the self in a way that permeates deep into the physical, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual realms. An advanced astrologer can tell you dynamics about yourself, your relationships and the dynamics at play in your reality that penetrates to the very core.

KNOW THYSELF is an ancient form of wisdom that gives you ultimate power. Knowing yourself means knowing your strengths and your faults and being able to utilize them to manifest the best scenario possible. Astrology is the best map to allow for this level of knowledge. Astrology is the ULTIMATE compass of the psyche and our interaction with the world around us.

Astrology as a form of Medicine

The Beginner Astrologer: $250

This is the most basic natal chart reading for the people that are beginning to be interested in astrology but do not want to invest too much. This provides the basic information on your particular natal chart alongside the basics of astrology ie. the main introductory teachings you need to learn the language of astrology. You will both learn about yourself and learn the language of astrology with this package. There is no consultation with this HOWEVER there is an incentive for the ones that purchase this and want to go into more depth into their chart that for an additional 150$ we can go into an advanced reading at a future date (that is 25% off the Advanced Reading!!).

The Intermediate Astrologer: Natal Chart reading with asteroids, angles and interceptions explained: $350

This is for someone who is of medium interested in astrology and how astrology can describe their energy and give guided support to their particular energy and life path. This does not go into the specifics of the exact degree that the planets sit in the celestial, which is very advanced astrology (and time consuming to do as an astrologer) but does provide additional knowledge that is often the crème de la crème of understanding ourself, this is all provided with the Advanced Reading. This chart reading is similar to any other typical astrologers chart reading where basics of astrology are described, explained and an individualized explanation of the natal chart is done however this also adds important asteroids, angles and deep psychology of any intercepted houses. Additionally, the foundational teachings of astrology are taught allowing one to learn the language of astrology.

Advanced Reading: $385

The best package which includes an advanced Natal Chart reading with asteroids, angles, intercepted houses, the energy of the specific degrees of the zodiac (Sabian, Chandra and Pleiadian symbols) and a general overview of the Progressed chart. This is HUGE information and a very in-depth analysis. Astrological teachings of the planets, the signs and the celestial houses along with asteroids and the zodiac symbols of each placement are taught. You receive a typed document of 30-50 pages of information (10 font) and this takes many years of study and many hours of knowledge of astrology, reading and literal time to create this. In this, you receive the complete foundational teachings of astrology to learn this language for yourself and if you spend your time, you could literally learn to become an advanced astrologer with this document alone. It is the complete work.

Extended Progressed Chart Reading: $175

Understanding the ways we have developed our energy to cope in society. I would suggest having a Natal Chart Reading done first.

Transit Reading (Individualized Horoscopes): $105

Analyzes how the planets are affecting us in the moment and in the short-term future, and how we can harvest their energy for the best. This is great for anyone that is wandering: what is going on in?? And understanding how the planets are affecting them at any given time.

Solar Arc and Solar Return Charts: $175

This describes how your energy has changed for the upcoming year, where it’s most powerful to focus your energy and helps align you with your most significant purpose for the upcoming solar year.

Advanced Relationship Astrology: $850

Includes individual Natal Chart and generalized Progressed Chart readings, In depth Composite and generalized Progressed Composite Chart reading and a very plutonic Synastry Chart reading. All readings include Asteroids and the Sabian, Chandra and Paleidian symbols for each placement. Involves Counselling and Relationship Coaching as well.

The use of a birth chart as a tool of the healing belt: ancient techniques become new again



Astrology is NOT just your daily horoscope. The way horoscopes are seen today came somewhere out of the Gypsy Fortuneteller Era (pre-WW1) and although there is a legitimacy to them, the way they have been utilized in the last hundred years as a way to foretell future events is typically far too generalized for any of the Sun signs. Their popularity came at the turn of the 20th century as astrologers marketed and promoted themselves in magazines and newspapers. Horoscopes are written based on where the planets are transiting at the present moment and when done with an individual’s natal chart are actually incredibly exact. However, when done for the general sun signs like we see in the newspapers and magazines still today, it is not as accurate. Certain themes can be generalized each month and therefore public horoscopes are still published however it has unfortunately led to a very improper idea of what astrology actually is and because generalized horoscopes are typically and simply far too generalized to actually promote an honest truth to their existence, the reputation of astrology has been almost destroyed. Astrology is making a huge come back though and gaining massive popularity as amazingly talented astrologers have been bringing astrology back to its truth. Personalized horoscopes done by a talented astrologer are definitely of worth as we can actually see the way the planets create someone’s natal chart and personal signature which allows for a deep psychological and energetic understanding of self, furthermore, we can predict with some decent accuracy how transiting planets might affect the person in their near future and therefore give a guide of how to utilize energy most effectively. For clarity: Horoscopes make up a part of astrology however they are not completely what astrology is at all. What people think of as horoscopes today have unfortunately taken the concept of Astrology and skewed it.

Furthermore, Astrology is also not just your sun sign and it’s specific traits to describe you as an individual, as one might read on the internet. Astrology dates back over 5000 years and was considered one of the first sciences. It was not separated from Astronomy and it is based upon complex Mathematics and Physics. Astrology deals with circumferances, angles, orbits, planer distances, time, cycles and lots of vast space. It was the Egyptians and the ancient Persians that began to describe The Zodiac and similar to Chinese Medicine, Astrology has understood and documented thousands of years of observations of the sky and how it affected what was happening on Earth. It was found that there were patterns in the way planets affected the energy on earth as individuals and at a more socially structured and global level. Furthermore, Astrology gave a method of framework to not only analyze (kind of like a framework of Psychotherapy) an individual and understand them as a being of energy but also to predict events (these are the real horoscopes) that would be coming as the planets moved around the Sun.

Astrology is a lot of Mathematics. It is calculated on the basis of your birth date, birth time and birth place and then it goes into the documented (and very old) repetitive patterns of the planets and where they sat in correlation to YOU as you entered into this life.  Futhermore, it would calculate not only where the planets sat in the sky but it would calculate the exact degree they sat into the “Celestial houses” which is even more complicated to understand. It takes YEARS to learn astrology so I will keep it as short and sweet as I can. What I can say is before computers, it would take many many hours to create an individuals Astrology Chart. Now, with computers, which has really only been the past 10 years we can do this, it takes about 20 seconds. How absolutely incredible is it that we could take such complex geometry and mathematics and write it into a computer program that can do this for us upon only having to enter some data and save it? Absolutely incredible.

This therefore is a very old but very new addition to how it can be used as a form of medicine. I can guarantee there are not many medically trained Doctors out there that are also Astrologers. I am self-studied and thoroughly studied in Astrology, it is one of my great passions and I have studied, read and taught astrology for over 20 years now.

The easiest way for one without a background in Astrology to start understanding it is to start looking at the Sun sign, and thus the over emphasis on Sun-sign Astrology (it is much more complex). In Astrology, the Sun sign rules who you are as a person, it rules your basic way of being on this planet. In the Zodiac, there are 3 signs for each element: Air, Water, Earth and Fire. The Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius and move into increasingly intensity of their personality, Gemini is like a young breeze, it likes to have fun and move from here to here. In medicine then, we can make a loose analogy that someone with a Gemini sun should have a fun healing treatment, changing it up, moving around to get the energy of the body moving. Gemini’s like to communicate so it would be very appropriate to the Doctor to be communicating lots and sharing stories and help support this person with lots of mental and communicative techniques. AGAIN…it is much more complex than this, a Gemini sun may have a lot of Earth in their chart and may actually be treated as an Earth sign (only an astrologer would be able to figure these aspects out by the way).  Earth is Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, they like stability and practicality. Libra, the second air sign likes balance, they are mental and want to know both sides of the picture, the good and the bad. Their healing must take place gently and in balance with the rest of their life, these are the people that when they are out of balance in life they get sick so really going into their daily tasks and weekly events will be appropriate to help their healing. Aquarians are intense and mental, these are the ones that know best and will probably be as knowledgable as the Doctor in some aspects of either the dis-ease process or the treatment. Walk easy with these ones, ask them what THEY think is best to apply healing into their lives. As a Doctor, sometimes you need to mold yourself. In the Zodiac, this will probably need to be applied to the Taureans occasionally, the Scorpios, the Leos and the Aquarians (these are the fixed signs of the Zodiac and don’t move without their own will…in ideology or healing :)  )

Using Astrology and Medicine for an Earth sign might be a standardized treatment plan, so many weeks doing this method, then moving to this method and so forth. Earth signs love plans and stability and direction. They are very logical and rational and would like probably more evidence based medicine than anything that is pseudo-spiritual or Quantum Physics type medicine (although they would never throw it out either). A good solid and practical treatment plan with concise direction of where the healing will go is very appropriate for the Earth signs.

Water signs on the other hand are the ones that rule the emotional body, these are the “feelers” of the Zodiac. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are the intuits, the ones that will be often very open to mental-emotional counselling and psychotherpy-type remedies, they will not necessarily want nor need to hear your treatment plan, they are not the people that connect on the mental realm, they already know what is happening based on how they feel. These are the people that will be open to working with dreams and Carl Jung’s analogies of shadow self, these are the people that lots of their healing will take place when they address their emotional bodies. These are the ones that will do what they do and act the way they act based on if it feels good or if it doesn’t, so applying this to your healing techniques as a Doctor is important.  Not at all to put everyone into a giant pool but these would be the ones that would probably not give a damn about evidence based medicine but more be willing to try the ancient techniques and give you appropriate feedback of how they feel. These are the Homeopathic remedies, the Craniosacral people, the Reike and energy workers. These people are VERY sensitive and respond well to energy medicines.

The fire signs are quick, Aries is the young warrior, they need to blow off steam. Getting these guys into exercise regimes to heal will most likely be quite successful. Leo is full of pride, they are the Kings and Queens of the jungle and as a Doctor, you must show a lot of respect to these people. If they do not want to do something, they absolutely will not. Sagittarrians are the archers of truth, they love philosophy and spirituality. These are the once to really teach the techniques and fundamentals of the healing process too. They will understand some very major concepts very easily.

Of course everything I just said should be taken with a grain of salt (as, AS I have also stated, Astrology is very much more complex) however I can guarantee if you know your Sun sign and you read any of the above, you would say ‘yup’ because there are definitely truths within the Zodiac. This is where being an Astrologer is a science and an art. Being able to read someone’s chart and see them for who they are based on how the planets aligned in their birth is something not everyone can do. Furthermore, this is not just a mechanism and be all to healing, this is part of my tool belt as a Doctor, to align Astrology with other modalities. Gratitude to the ancients and the newest technology as this would not have even been easily appropriate 15 years ago. 

The ENERGY of the Zodiac

Aries: Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and it’s equivalent to The Big Bang.

It’s the energy when the sperm meets the egg and BAM! This is the fraction of a second where all of Potential Energy converts into Kinetic Energy. Huge cataclysm happens.

  • Fire Sign: Aries energy is the young warrior of the Zodiac, the first energy that happens and it is therefore the Pioneer. Aries is a Masculine energy and it’s VERY energetic and therefore a Cardinal degree of the Zodiac. A cardinal degree is always changing and with Aries, ALL of their energy moves with the change. Aries is force, it is presence, in many ways, it’s enlightened.

  • Aries is active and somewhat aggressive, it’s excitable and impulsive. It does not think, it just goes ahead and does and it does not consider tomorrow, or the consequences.

  • Mars is the traditional ruling planet over Aries, which makes sense as Mars is the ancient God of War, ruling over aggression and conflict. The Ram is the Symbol of Aries, an animal known for its assertiveness and energy.

  • Aries is all about the energy ‘I AM’ and Aries energy definitely is centred within themselves and their actions, this energy exudes self confidence. Aries is highly competitive and have the will to be the best at whatever intrigues them. Aries is similar to Leo when they want to ‘show off’ and they will do better and go father thanks to their warrior fire power.

  • Aries energy is notorious for taking offence as the slightest injuries and it has a hot temper and has childish and extreme tantrums. However, as quick as they come, they explode quickly and then they are over quickly and Aries gets over whatever mishap just happened (however often other people do not).

  • Aries loses interest very quickly and has a low threshold for boredom so they are always changing and moving, very active in all ways. Aries are the youngest energy is the Zodiac and typically have a lot to learn. They are however very independent and can be teachers to some who have forgotten their need to be within themselves, even in the spiritual realms. Aries are notorious for not finishing what they have begun however they can be respected for their huge amount of courage and pioneering Spirit. This energy never seems to run out of energy.

Taurus: Taurus is all about being slow and sensual.

TAURUS energy is a fixed earth sign that is GROUNDED, quiet, affectionate, patient, stable and very stubborn.

This energy is the slowest energy of the Zodiac and very feminine, determined, practical and resistant to change. Taurus is ruled by Venus and traditionally rules House 2 of the Zodiac. The symbol that represents its energy is The Bull so I like to explain this energy by describing a lazy cow laying in a beautiful Spring field to people.

Think of the energy of the Beautiful Green Earth in Spring: This is Taurus Energy





      • RULES HOUSE 2:








This energy is hard to move and really will not budge until it is ready. Taurus energy i somewhat like moving through some thick mud however it’s happy in its ways. It’s Stable. Taurus energy is all about Stability and feeling Secure. This energy is about property, money and possessions and the five physical senses, which must be firstly acquired. That means this energy must be well slept, well fed, well dressed, sexually and sensually happy before it moves on to it’s collection of security via a bank account, property and nice things. When these things happen, this energy is content.

This energy will not do a thing until it’s ready to

Taurus-dominant energies usually take at least two-three times longer to do things that other signs would do however they are stable and because they are not rushed, there is no anxiety or agitation with this energy. This is the most grounded force in the Zodiac and is very similar to Capricorn energy however Taurus is more young, much more slow and definitely feminine in their qualities. They are not too happy, but not too sad, they are content and very much at peace when they are in balance. The energy of the Earth is Taurus energy, grounded. Think of the ground and gardening and how lovely it feels to roll fresh earth in your hands, this is Taurus energy. Taurus does not move fast and definitely loves eating and sleeping and resting.


  • Taurus is directly across the Zodiac from Scorpio, so while Scorpio is sexual, Taurus is sensual. TAURUS people love to be touched and have massages. In comparison and contrast, where Scorpio appears dark on the outside, they are of diamond purity on the inside and this is the opposite for Taurus. The inner realm of Taurus energy can be very very dark however it would never show on the outside. 

  • There is a parallel between Taurus and Libra energy for their femininity and need for gentle energies around, anything that pleases the senses pleases a Taurus, but likewise with repulsiveness, especially smell, taste, feel and sight-senses, and this is very similar to Libras as well.

  • In understanding the differences between a Taurus and Virgo, Taurus is all about their self and their senses, they are very ego and therefore this is the sign that also defines what it is to have stable boundaries. Virgo energy is much more pure in a way, somehow lighter and their entire existence is for the other, helping and serving. They are much more quick than a Taurus energy would be and Taureans are not anxious at all while Virgos can often be riddled with anxiety.

  • In deciphering between Taurus and Capricorn, this becomes more for the advanced energy readers. Again, Taurus will be more slow and stubborn whereas Capricorn is always reliable and helping. Capricorn energy is easy to get along with where as not just anyone gets along with Taurus energy, or should I say: Taurus does not just get along with everyone. Capricorn can appear slow and steady, but they do not have the stubbornness, although their ability to lay down the law can appear as stubbornness. There is a form of power and unshakable esteem that Capricorn has that Taurus energy does not have and this is where the mastered energy reader can really only pick up some of these subtleties.


Gemini is ruled traditionally by Mercury and therefore encompasses communication and thought in it’s simplest most fleeting air-form-energy.

Gemini is the social butterfly of the Zodiac, flying over here and socializing, forming somewhat of a superficial relationship and then quickly moving to another place but little would you know that they see deep below the surface of what is occurring and actually are as Plutonic as Scorpio, they just are superficially deep. Gemini’s see through though and pick up a lot of underground information.








Gemini is all about mental energy and responsiveness, and this includes the nervous system. GEMINI is the young intellectual of the Zodiac and truly it is as superficial of an energy is Libra, which is needed in the Zodiac. The air signs balance the Zodiac energy as necessary. Gemini is mutable AIR ENERGY and therefore changes with every person they interact with, they are lively, versatile, energetic and adaptable.

Gemini should not be taken for how light their energy appears to be however: Gemini is connected through Mercury and Hermes as the ancient messenger of the Gods and actually is the only one in the Zodiac who has ever gone into the underworld and came up from it. Gemini carries sacred messages and is the Sacred Messenger of the Zodiac and for how young and frivolous Gemini appears to be, they are actually quite the opposite. The mind of the Gemini is exact and as all we truly have at the end of the day is communication between each of us , and ourselves and our environment,

Gemini may be the most important energy of the Zodiac as it rules the powers of the mind and our power to communicate. There is actually a very intrinsic relationship between Gemini and Scorpio and Mercury and Pluto that many astrologers do not recognize. Communication is all we have, in all of the realms.

Gemini is endlessly curious and is not an energy you can trap, they love to go and socialize and meet people of all kinds, and they love to talk just for the sake of talking and consistently being mentally stimulated. Gemini is the energy of duality, another reason why astrologers don’t give Gemini enough attention as truly, duality is the energy of the lower realms and Gemini is the main component of it.

Gemini is restless and always wants fresh experiences, also leaving a trail of unfinished tasks as this energy is very young as well. Gemini’s are very persuasive and some might not realize how manipulative they can be as they make incredible first impressions and people do not actually realize how superficial their relating is so they easily gain peoples trust and can have many admirers without them really understanding or seeing the Gemini’s energy’s true colours. Inquistive and imagination marks notable traits of Gemini.


Cancer is the first water sign of the Zodiac and is traditionally ruled by the moon, which rules emotions.

Cancers moods change with the moon.

Cancer energy is water energy and is like a wave with its changing and moody emotions.


It could easily be stated that Cancer is the most emotional sign of the Zodiac and also the most emotionally immature sign of the Zodiac, in many ways, and therefore making their emotional behaviour wax and wane with the moon creating an air of emotional sensitivity and instability. It is an understatement to say the energy of Cancer is extremely moody, especially if one’s Moon is in Cancer. The moon changes signs typically every 2.5 days and every 15 days the moon goes into a dark moon and then a new moon and every 15 days thereafter, the moon becomes full. We see entire bodies of water and tides move with the moon and thus we know the moon affects all people regardless of sign however it especially affects the people with Cancer dominant energy in their charts.

  • Cancer energy is the MOTHER ENERGY OF THE ZODIAC

  • Cancer rules House 4, which rules the womb, the mother, the home, nurturing and the emotional self


  • CARDINAL WATER: meaning Cancer energy is the most changeable emotional sign! They are extremely moody and they can not help it. Cancers are very emotional and very emotionally sensitive.




Cancer is very emotional, very sensitive, very nurturing and very self protective. Cancer is ruled by the crab who is sensitive and unsure and has a big shell that it likes to stay hidden in, it is an energy that is self-protecting by walking sideways because a straight line to it’s destination is too vulnerable and thus negative aspects of Cancer energy is that it is very insecure and this creates a lot of anxiety and internal disharmony.

Cancer energy is careful and it aspires to harmony however it typically causes upheaval in its surroundings. It is very empathic and can mirror the concerns and emotions of others. Cancer has an innate nurturing quality and therefore has a tendency to get involved into others business as if it is their own, which creates problems. Unconscious Cancer energy can stir up the emotional pot for both them and the other person involved in unnecessary ways as it does not always understand its proper boundaries. There is an innate intimate motherly and nurturing activity that happens with Cancer energies and this can be annoying to people who are uninterested in being mothered or have not invited this energy that invades boundaries like a typical mother can, into their personal affairs.

Cancer energy can be excessively worrisome and overprotective and therefore can create the opposite effect of what was intended, causing upheaval and drama.

The Crab then gets excessively defensive by the energies that they created and then they either retreat or out comes the pincers of the crab which makes matters even worse. In emotional upheaval, the crab then retreats and takes forever to forgive, blaming someone else for something they are often responsible for with no ability to see where they played their part in the situation. There is so much that is lovely about the energy of Cancer though, these are the people that will go out of their way to take care of you, make you dinner, make sure you are warm, well and healthy. Their home is open to their friends and family and they love taking care of people. These are the people that will make soup and take it to their friends or even a co-worker that has fallen ill. This sign makes the home environment nurturing and lovely with nice colours and cozy blankets. Both themselves and others are plagued by their hypersensitivity however and emotional drama and turmoil is common with Cancer energies. All water signs are very sensitive, which also include Scorpio and Pisces, it is just that Cancer fully encompasses the egoic self and does not see beyond that there might be something greater to the picture and thus emotional drama pervades.

Leo: Leo energy is the greatest manifestation of ego in the Zodiac, it is all about drama, glamour and attention. LEO ENERGY SHINES. Once one learns to understand leo energy, one can typically sense who has leo dominance in their chart.

Leo is ruled by the Sun and rules the heart so this is an energy that shines. IF A LEO does not get your attention, they will take it personally and sulk.

  • Fixed FIRE

  • Exuberant, Radiant,Warm

  • Ruled by the SUN

  • Rules HOUSE 5 of the Zodiac

    • Creativity

    • Romance

    • Fun

    • C

Leo energy is the greatest manifestation of ego in the Zodiac, it is all about glamour and attention. People with dominant Leo energy are spotted a mile away, they just absolutely glow and people love being around them. They somehow have a ‘King/Queen of the Jungle’ attitude and treat friends and strangers and business partners alike, as a good King/Queen, as if they are the ruler and the other is a part of their kingdom.

Think of The Lion King’s Mufasa: this is the energy of a Leo.

There is an exuberance to them, a fire, an enthusiasm. As the sun is the centre of our solar system and it radiates warmth to us, so does an energy of Leo.



There is a level of trust by the peers and a level of loyalty to the people that Leo exudes however, in truth, the Leo energy is loyal to themselves first. Leo energy has a self-assurance to them and people gravitate to them like a magnet. They get attention, and in fact, if they are not getting attention, they sulk. Leo’s sometimes feel like they deserve and have a penchant for being dramatic, they are extremely luxurious  and want the best of everything out of life. These people always bring sunshine into other people’s lives and they radiate warmth and energy.

Unfortunately there’s a level of pride these people have and it can become arrogant. These people want to be adored and generally and easily are. Leo’s have a way of being the top of their business because they both demand and expect it. This is an energy that is typically happy and it’s really only if they are not getting the attention and adoration they believe they deserve do they get unhappy, and it typically does not last for long as Leo’s somehow have a way of getting attention if nobody is giving it to them. At times, Leo’s can be a bit lazy and self-righteous however they also have the Sun as their energy centre and at times where they might burn out a little, it is not long before they regenerate. This is an big warm all-encompassing energy that is hard to resist however for the signs that are Virgo and after, Leo energy can be difficult to be around as it will not take long before one realizes that it is all centred around them and not about the other person. Leo energy is still a decently young energy of the Zodiac and is ego-centric.


Virgo is the sixth sign of the Zodiac and therefore rules the sixth house of the Zodiac. Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury so although it is an earth sign, it is also very airy and therefore we have a grounded, practical, mental and anxious energy that is manifest in Virgo suns.

  • Rules House 6: Routine, Cleanliness, Health and Health Care, Service

  • Ruled by Mercury

  • Mutable Earth

  • Analytical, Practical, Tidy, Organized, Critical

Virgos rule the traits of health and help and dedicated service to others and feel fulfilled when they can be of aide or support in some way to someone else.

These people are grounded earth sign energy and practical is an understatement. These people have a plan and they have the best plan and the best way to do things and that is in fact true. These people are the absolute clean freaks of the Zodiac and can not stand disorganization. They can put up with a place that is perhaps untidy and chaotic for a little bit but they certainly can not stand to spend time in a place that is unclean. These people are discriminating and industrious however they can also become overly critical and overly judgmental on both themselves and everyone around them. This is the energy of perfection. Because ruled by Mercury, these people are very mental people: thinking and analyzing and there is a tendency for their energy to be anxious and to be felt by others as high-strung and nervous. These people are very intelligent and believe in reason, they are not people who think or rely so much on their intuition like some others in the Zodiac would. The symbol for Virgo is The Virgin representing purity and modesty and because this sign has not reached the Zodiac sign of Scorpio, where sexuality is the theme, it is said this is still a virgin energy. There are many scholars who say the Biblical Texts are actually all written about the energy of the Zodiac and The Virgin Mary is the description to describe Virgo energy. Even if this is someone who has multiple sexual partners and is quite promiscuous, there is something about this energy that remains pure and innocent to others.

The dominant trait of Virgo energy is that they analyze and according to them, there is always something to improve on. The flaw of Virgo energy is their judgements and criticisms. The soul will learn in the journey that judgement and criticism are a lack of compassion and actually become a certain karma that gets put on the back of the one who judged.

It is the energy of Virgo where the highest standards are stated, achieved and maintained however it is only the energy of Virgo in the Zodiac that is so strict to these standards to nearly nobody can meet their standards and almost everyone can sense their judgments and criticisms about it. These people are perfectionists to the point where they don’t even often see how much they stress themselves out trying to always have everything so perfect. Chaos is a fact about this world however one is either a True Master or they have Virgo Dominance in their chart. Either way, the souls that Master their energy must go back to the teachings of Virgo and have their entire self perfected such as the Divine State of Virgo.

Virgos typically have a difficult time relaxing and are always busy. They even often get nervous when they don’t have something to do and they don’t seem to know how to sit and chill and relax.

Virgo’s are the people who put order to the entropy and it stresses them out and often everyone around them. Because these people are so hard on themselves and others, they can suffer from nervous disorders ranging from anxiety to nervous exhaustion to digestive disorders due to carrying the level of stress they so often do. Many Virgos are able to carry an aire about them that you don’t necessarly see these aspects, you just see someone who is very practical, reserved, analytical and extremely organized and tidy however their interior is often nervous and restless and because of this, Virgo’s can’t stand sitting around, they always need to be doing something, arranging and rearranging and cleaning and organizing…something…and they drive themselves to exhaustion.

From a Virgo’s point of view, there is always room for improvement and the people around them might be hurt by this viewpoint and this is often especially the case if there is a Virgo parent. The child of a Virgo can grow up feeling like nothing they did was ever good enough or met the high standards of the Virgo parent. It is important for Virgo’s to realize this about themselves because they can harm people with their standards of perfection.

Virgos are very intelligent and have an excellent memory. They excel in Commerce, Finances, Marketing and Business. These people assimilate facts and information with crystal clear thought and memory that is easily recalled. These people do not function well without a routine and there is something about their energy that complicates things and analyzes too much, making mountains out of molehills. Their nature is actually shy, somewhat nervous and reserved. These people find it very hard to just relax. Hypercritical is a natural part of the disposition of Virgos as they always see a way to make a situation better and there is a tendency to be unsatisfied with the way things are. They are this way with their loved ones, their friends their peers and themselves and unfortunately, all of these people suffer from these judgements and criticisms and what becomes an issue for others is Virgo dish out the judgments and criticisms however do not do well if someone gives them any feedback.

Virgo is still a decently young energy in the Zodiac with lots to learn so there will still be lifetimes on earth where they will learn that each time they are judging, they are not loving and there will be some more lifetimes for them to learn to come back to drop the judgement. For now though, they are playing their part in the big whole and judgment, discernment and standards are here for a reason. Finally, Virgo’s are the most health conscious sign of the Zodiac however they must be careful not to become hypochondriacs. These people are immensely devoted and loyal in love, they show their love by helping others, doing things for them, helping in whatever way they can. They are not necessarily overly affectionate but their love is shown through their dedication and service to their loved ones.

Libra: Libra is an cardinal air sign ruled by Venus and is all about balancing with another’s energy to create Harmony.

  • Cardinal Air

  • Ruled by Venus

  • Ruler of the Seventh House


  • Refined, elegant, charming, passive-aggressive, balance, indecisiveness

In fact, the balance is the symbol that represents Libra and Libra rules House 7, the house of Partnership. Libra energy is the most elegant energy of the Zodiac, in a way, refined, feminine and egotistic. Capricorn is actually truly the most refined actual energy of the Zodiac as it is more mastered than Libra but Libra is on the surface the most apparently refined. Libra energy is all about refinement though, that must be realized, and Libra is very much about enchantment. Libra energy only likes people or places if they are lovely. Clothing is immaculate and always new and clean and there is a sense of Virgo energy with Libra, but add some extra sparkles and gloss (basically). There the Virgo-type of purity and perfection however it’s much more feminine and much more light as Virgo is earth energy and Libra is air. Libra energy wants a lover that will cater to her/his whims and always get along with them, be sensitive and push them when they need a push and cradle them when they need a cuddle.

Libra energy wants someone to understand them and have perfect give and take: balance is the most important aspect of Libra energy. Libras are always attempting to hold balance in life and all of their relationships.

Libra energy typically has not a sense of self unless they are bound to and comparing and contrasting themself with another and thus the house of partnership. There is somewhat of a similar energy between Libra and Gemini and Libra and Pisces. It’s almost like if you could blend the energies of Gemini and Pisces together, you would get the energy of Libra. Amongst the air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini is like a scattering wind, over here, then blows over here and then over there and then there. Libra is like a gentle breeze, somewhat beautiful and dainty, moving back and forth as if in a dance. Aquarius is a much more intense wind, and can truly wind up into the energy of a tornado at times. Many people do not realize the intensity of Aquarius, which goes hand in hand with Scorpio really, just much more mental, while Scorpio is emotionally intense.

Libra loves to be romanced and treated very well. Libra loves to be admired. Similar to Leo but much more coy, much more refined. Libra has delicate and incredible manners. If one was ever to go to “finishing school” this would be the energy of Libra. Libra is polished. There is a love of luxury, art and equilibrium here. The Social order and Justice system stems into this energy and therefore the balance or the Scale. Egypt described this level of Spiritual Law first with the Balance Of The Feather in the Spiritual Testing Times and in our legal system, to balance through the emotions on either side of reason and come up with suitable Justice. Libra is the energy of marriage and partnership and Libra energy is desperately unhappy if they do not have someone to be with or hang out with. Libra energy is often meek and moves away from confrontation or hostility however it can tend to stir up ill feelings from others in situations having to do with love when they are overly indecisive and passive-aggressive.

Libras are famous for their PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE ways which can annoy the best of anyone. Libras also tend to live in a lala-land similar to Pisces energy. They are overly fickle and often not reliable and their intrinsic somewhat narcissistic tendencies can get annoying. Libras are judgemental on superficial aspects like how someone is dressed however if they have a charming façade, Libra’s just adore them and don’t look any deeper into that person to see if it’s a show or not. As a result, anyone that can see through this level of energy finds Libra very superficial. Libra however plays it’s part in the cycle of the energetics of the Zodiac and creates give and take, harmony, balance, reputable order, and serenity. The entire goal of Libra is Peace and they always understand another’s point of view and adjust accordingly. There is an ability of Libra to see, with clarity, either side of the argument, so much so that often that they don’t have a stance. Libra’s are therefore very indecisive and really struggle at this, along with listening and trusting their instincts.

Altruism is a trait of Libra energy

Libras really believe in fairness so although this is the energy of partnership and the wish to get to unity, that only actually happens in the energy of Scorpio which comes after Libra. Because Libras are so infatuated with fairness, they actually always keep them and their partner in a dual scenario unfortunately, with a mindset that strives so hard for the balance of unity, they just don’t realize that their mind keeps them separate. So for example, if “you” choose where to go to dinner tonight, “I” get to choose tomorrow…and so goes the mind of duality of Libra. Scorpionic relations and the relations of the eighth house are automatically “I and I” meaning full unity. Libra’s love luxurious items so they often have trouble with money and spend it similar to Aries energies (as quick as it comes, it’s gone). People born under this sign typically dislike hard work and getting their ‘hands dirty’ so to say. Their charm gets them a long way though.


Scorpio is the sign of the Zodiac that is very intense. Scorpio is a very sensitive energy and therefore is penetrating as it has the propensity to read through people and situations with precision that is beyond often what people know of themselves.

Scorpio energy rules sexuality, death, rebirth, transformation and resurrection.

An Ascendant in Scorpio comes across as somewhat dark and mysterious and somehow comes across to people with an energy of Sexuality, more than a Scorpio Sun person does in fact. Often people with Scorpio Ascendants are seen by people as being highly sexual and somewhat mysterious and intriguing but its the real Scorpio Sun signs that rule the mysterious occult magic. 

Scorpio energy is the master energy readers of the Zodiac and also hold the underground knowledge of the magic and with that, power. Scorpio is traditionally ruled by Pluto who is the Shamanic God/Goddess of the UnderWorld and Mars, the Gods/Goddess of War. Scorpio is the energy of the ‘Ultimate Power’ (the power of the Godhead, which is Scorpios that reach out to Piscean energy and then this energy actually makes its way back to Scorpio to manifest on this planet -which is the energy of Jesus Christ or Christ Consciousness) of the zodiac and so there is always an underlying theme of Power with Scorpio dominant energy in a chart. Scorpio energy is Shamanic, it's spiritual, it's sensitive and self protective yet also inherently altruistic. 

The major theme of Scorpio is Trust and all the of the issues with power is so that the Scorpio energy does not have to be so vulnerable. Learning trust at the level of scorpio energy ultimately means a plunge into the depths of occult knowledge and facing many levels of death. This is why this energy is the Shamanic Energy of the zodiac as learning to hold on to nothing and trust yourself completely is quite the journey. This is about the death process, and sacred sexuality. It’s about something much bigger than one can really put into terms however all is learned in this process. Total knowledge and mastery of self comes from Scorpion energy moving on into the Zodiac, and this is also found in the eighth house of the Zodiac. 8 is the number of Spiritual Mastery and your 8th chakra is also your aura, all of you, it can range from dark and black to white pure light, as a Scorpio can. And when Scorpio energy really masters themselves, they can shapeshifter their energy with a change of their own mind and willpower, kind of like a light switch.

This is the only astrological sign with FIVE animal spirits representing their astrological totem (most signs have 2 energetic spirits): The scorpion, the snake (Scorpios rule kundalini -sexual- energy), the eagle, the dove and the phoenix.

Scorpio energy is Passionate af.

This is the part of the Zodiac that gives DEPTH OF FEELING, Scorpio rules the totality of your emotions and the entire range of the emotional spectrum, so Scorpio energy can take you to your highest highs and plunge you into the depths of your lowest levels of emotions.

In the depths, deep seated sadness and emotions that you wish you could escape from can come through Scorpio and hence, Scorpio also rule death that way. Suicide is even a level of scorpion energy.

Scorpio energies are the Zodiac’s detectives. To have Scorpio energies means the ability to read other people like nobody's business and furthermore, have the ability to play the very sacred shamanic mirror of the Zodiac and will be able to pull the unseen shadow energies out of the depths of a person’s façade and bring it to the surface to show their self to themself, and people do NOT like this. People often blame the Scorpio energy for bringing out their darkness, they can’t even see it is theirs so they say it’s the Scorpio-dominants energy, if that makes sense… Yet it's certainly not the energy of the Scorpio-dominants to own and so thus is the level of being the Shaman of the Zodiac.

The levels of darkness that must be consistently dealt with when there is Scorpio dominance in a chart is consistent and immense. Everywhere they turn, they are in it. It’s truly a life in the underworld when you have Scorpio dominance in your chart. It’s somewhat similar to having X-ray vision into people and thus Scorpio becomes the Healer of the zodiac however they often do not even themselves know their powers. Often, unfortunately with this energy dominant in a chart, it is common that people try to put their ‘darkness’ that the Scorpio energy brings to the surface on to the Scorpio energy. I call this "being painted black" because somehow, by just being in the presence of a Scorpionic energy, the depths of the unhealed issues that most people can't even touch by themselves, which is also called by Carl Jung as “the shadow self”, the deep seated troubles one doesn’t even know was deep within, comes up to the surface and Scorpio is like a magnet pulling it up. What OFTEN happens, is this stuff is so deep, dark and subterranean that often, people can't even grasp that it's their darkness because it is so subconscious and buried and they are therefore so far away from it that they don’t realize it is theirs!! SO, this is what typically happens to poor scorpio energies, people dump their darkness all over the Scorpio energy and then point fingers at the Scorpio energy believing it is them! So particularly true with Scorpio Sun signs but also some Scorpio Ascendants and especially if there is also a Scorpio Stellium.. A Venus in Scorpio will indeed endure this wrath as well. Any major Scorpio-dominance in a chart is a guarantee that the individual will have a real tough time growing up and yet somehow, they always hold on to their diamond purity deep inside. For this reason, people with Scorpio energy become VERY sensitive, to the point of hypervigilant and therefore, very capable of reading energies , due to the learned need to be self-protective. When I explain this level of transference by other people onto the Scorpios, that forms a lot of awareness and healing for the Scorpio Suns as it is true in my observations, repeatedly. So very important and in conclusion: Scorpio energy, especially Scorpio Suns and some Scorpio Ascendants bring up other peoples dark issues, without even doing anything and they are not really interested or invested in doing it but it happens and this is why these people are The Shamanic Healers of the Zodiac. 

Beyond this, Scorpio energies are LOYAL and to a fault sometimes BUT if and when they realize that you took advantage of their loyalty or betrayed them, Scorpio becomes the Master of War and will legitimately fuck some shit up. For real. Revenge by the infamous Scopionic stinger is legendary and very much a part of the Master Plan, somewhat like a Sage stomps and teaches his disciple with severe punishment when he gets upset enough. Scorpio energy can be the Zodiac’s necessary evil if they are pushed to that place, never ever intrinsically but as the Scorpio energy somehow has the role in the Zodiac of playing God's hand when he has had enough of trying to be nice and gentle and show an individual the way and a Scorpio energy can burn someone to the ground if they have to go to those places. Usually it is not so intense and only “The Scorpio Stare” is a thing, but with the level of magic Scorpio can tap into, there is a potential they could turn someone to stone if they really wanted to turn someone to stone and I am not joking, there is magic in the Zodiac and Power and Intensity and it is found here. Scorpio is both the great teachers (Sage-like) and the great healers (God-like) of the Zodiac. 

Scorpio energy wants nothing more than a relationship that is complete: mind body and soul. Tantra is another aspect of Scorpio energy and these people want someone that will give themselves to them completely, and in turn, they will give themselves to the other: across all time and space, like legitimately beyond death. “Til death do us part” is not close enough for the passionate Scorpio energy, they wish to completely Unite. This is therefore the energy that rules Sexuality. And due to this, possession is another trait of Scorpio which can get super dark and obsessive but also really sexual and passionate and reach two people to the farthest places of God-like mystical energy (Thus, Tantra)…most people on earth truly have no concept of these places and their idea of great sex is pretty pathetic compared to the real intimacy that I describe here. Real raw super sexy vibes come from the obsession and possession Scorpios have innately. All energies of Sexuality and desire come from Scorpio and thus, this is the area of the Zodiac that also creates the birth canal, the connection that brings another soul into Time and Space. Scorpios are powerful, magnetic and have a magic that is beyond words and comprehensive understanding for most people, thus ruling death, rebirth, transformation, regeneration.

Scorpio energy is the Great Cosmic Serpent that rules the Time and Space continuum. 

Scorpios burn and rise from the ashes as The Phoenix, which is the mystical symbol of this sign of the Zodiac. They will destroy their life and everything they are to regenerate in ways that is also almost incomprehensible until you are having a conversation with someone with some heavy Scorpio energy. Scorpio is actually the ultimate fire of the Zodiac, transforming all and this is somehow how Ultimate Power and Sexuality go hand in hand. Scorpio energy is obsessive energy because we are the part of the Zodiac where it all comes from and all goes in to, and they are possessive because they know in their sexual connections, they are so intimate and vulnerable that that gives the other person the power to destroy them and they hate that. The last little bits of ego are found here in the Zodiac and it’s through only their sexual bonds that their ego comes through, but it does, and most Scorpio Dominant energies, especially a Sun in Scorpio will get severally hurt in their life time and legitimately having a soul-shattering experience that is devastating but what is also a key part of the Scorpio energy as this energy transforms the rest of the Zodiac. When a Scorpio soul shatters they must then truly tap into their powers and this is where they learn the occult mystical secrets and how incredible they are. Again, I am not joking when I say the energy of real magic is found when you dip into the scorpion vibes. This energy is blessed with a curse of being the most dangerous, yet caring, of all the Zodiac. Through connecting with the sexual realms, Scorpio somehow also rules ultimate intuition and will follow their intuition no matter what. Scorpio energy get downloads of knowing things, prophetic on many levels, truly.

Sagitarrius:  Sagittarius is the first energy of the Zodiac that operates totally in the Spirit World

It is the ninth energy of the Zodiac Wheel and the energy that comes after Scorpio shatters, it is in the energy of Scorpio that the last part of the ego is lost and the energy of Sagittarius is therefore the first energy of the Zodiac that operates completely from the basis of spirit therefore making Sagittarius energy typically known as being profoundly spiritual. The symbol if this Zodiac sign is the Centaur with a bow and a straight arrow (which is the constellation of Orion’s Belt) shooting for spiritual truth and that single pointed focus is the route to success of the occult knowledge. This sign is a mutable fire sign ruled by the sign of Jupiter which brings spiritual expansiveness, luck, good will and optimism. Sagitarrian energy is similar to that of a warm bon fire, it is a jovial spirit that is full of warm energy that is palpable, a spiritual love that can be felt, an energy that is flexible and generous.

The energy of Sagittarius is warm and open, truly open-minded, idealistic and an adventurous visionary that is undiscriminating can easily be sensed by anyone, making Sagittarius an energy that is well liked and well accepted with most everyone. Philosophy, Spirituality, Religions and higher learning centres such as University and even the study of Astrology and Astronomy are examples of the energies described by Sagittarius.

The Sagittarius energy has a quest to discover and understand why there are worldly ills; The Buddha was a Sagittarius energy. Negative aspects of Sagittarian energy is it can still be black and white in its beliefs which stems from it still being close to Scorpio energy and this can still especially show when it comes to love for Sagittarius however it is no where near the intensity of Scorpio. There is a freedom inherent in Sagittarius energy as it is the Great Explorer of the Zodiac and therefore although it can have an all or nothing approach, it still typically allows for freedom of reign of experience and wisdom.

For the energies of the Spiritual Realms, Sagittarius is a young child however as most energies of the Zodiac up until Scorpio are of the lower egoic-based realms, Sagittarius energy appears to be very wise and definitely it is, it just depends where the comparison point it.

In general, Sagittarius is known as the sign of Wisdom (both in holding and attaining). Sagitarrians are known for being very honest and this can be a problem in the way that they will state the very honest truth without regards for peoples feelings. The way Sagitarrians can blurt out some painful truths as they don’t bother with a sugar coat. Because Sagittarius is a mutable sign, it is important they learn to focus. Ideas, beliefs and actions all become aligned into fulfillment as Sagittarius completes its journey through the thirty degrees of it’s sign. A young Sagitarrian (0-10 degrees of Sagittarius energy) is very different than an elder Sagitarrian (25-30 degrees of Sagittarius).  Because Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet that expands, Sagittarius energy can indulge too much, especially in food and because Sagittarius is also the spiritual explorer of the Zodiac and has an affinity to go explore the unknown. There can be negative consequences such as having a tendency to go poke their nose where it is not needed, or they can become travel addicts or always jumping from friend group to friend group which makes their friends sometimes feel like they are not important.

Capricorn: Capricorn is a Cardinal Earth sign in Astrology, represented by the Ram or the Mountain Goat, it is grounded, strong and steady and upward climbing. Capricorns and observant and somewhat cold in their energy and they rule the Tenth House of the Zodiac. The energy of Capricorn is sturdy, traditional and is related to a Grandfather Energy: Wise and typically not emotional. This energy however is actually very sensitive and can sense much beneath the surface however Capricorn energy is so reserved that it does not show its sensitivity, instead it shows a certain stoic-ness that is a defining trait. This energy is reasonable and responsible and very grounded in their discrimination. Love, life and everything that comes between is a serious matter for Capricorn energies and there is a deeply routed sensuality found here that is more mature than the sensuality found in Taurus energy. Happiness in love is a critical component to Capricorn energies and this is an energy that does not wear rose-colored glasses: Capricorns see the world through a very sober lens. There is a clear mind and a common sense approach with this energy that gives the reservation of inner strength in Capricorn-dominated charts, which is palpable.

The Major Search for Divine Truth begins in Sagittarius however it is in Capricorn where one attains the God-head and hence the symbol of the mountain goat climbing the mountain.

Because Capricorn energy has learned what life is like at the “top of the mountain” so to say, there can be an sturdy energy with Capricorn almost as if they are God in a way, and in a way, IN A WAY, in the Zodiac this is true however this palpable almost ego is not a truth in totality and a Capricorn might be required to learn some humility. This point is very difficult to explain. There is a point in energetics and spirituality where words do not do justice and it’s truly at this point of the Zodiac where the point of the energetics and spirituality is beyond words and many people would not comprehend what one is attempting to say. HUMILITY is a big point with Capricorns. If they are think they are humble enough, they need to step back even more.


Aquarius energy is the eleventh energy of the twelve energies of the Zodiac making it a very advanced energy with only Piscean energy being more advanced. Aquarian energy is completely in the form of spirit and not operating from the form of ego whatsoever meaning that it’s entire purpose is for the other, or the greater good, rather than for itself. Aquarian energy therefore makes the humanitarian of the Zodiac. It is the fixed air sign energy of the Zodiac and this therefore means it is a very intense air sign energy, with qualities similar to the other fixed signs: Scorpio, Leo and Taurus. Aquarian energy is comparable to Scorpio energy in it’s form of intensity however where Scorpio is intensely emotional (and often still operating from the place of ego and therefore operating largely for self), Aquarius is intensely mental (and operating for the other, the community, humanity…) . Leo is intensely firey and Taurus is intensely grounded and stubborn. These signs are pivotal points in the Zodiac because they are huge reference points of energy, somewhat similar to the Zodiac’s Rites of Passage points.

Air signs think and communicate predominantly and the mental activity of people with Aquarius in their charts can be very active and somewhat exhausting to both them and others. Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus and to a lesser extent by the planet Saturn. It is a fixed sign that is all about the highest knowledge and the sharing the divine knowledge. Aquarian energy KNOWS THE WAY FOR HUMANITY and thus is the symbol of the water-bearer. They have the divine elixir for humanity however humanity does not seem to be awake enough to typically listen to the Aquarian energy. The rise of religious teachings was a good example of Aquarian energy and although Gemini is the Divine Messenger, Aquarius energy is the actual Divine Message. Jesus speaking his words would be Gemini energy whereas the actual scriptures are Aquarian energy.

Aquarius is very detached as it carries a level of wisdom most energies do not understand or come even close to comprehending as this level of love is only found later in the Zodiac when ones soul has advanced.

Detached love is actually a higher form of love which Aquarians try to show to people, it is unconditional and understands that each person has their spiritual journey that they must follow however for most people, they simple can not comprehend this level of love so the detachment that is innate to Aquarian energy is often misinterpreted as the Aquarius person not caring by the majority of people around them which is a sadness the Aquarian energy must live with.

 The symbol that represents Aquarius is The Water Bearer which means that it is the energy that knows the better way for the general public. The energy of the internet is a form of aquarius energy, sharing knowledge to several people at once. The energy of formulated religions are forms of aquarian energy, guiding people to the better ways of being, providing spiritual knowledge and rules (Capricorn energy). The issue for Aquarian energy is it thinks so much, and thinks about all it loves. Aquarian energy is all about mentalities and therefore the journey in the Zodiac of the Aquarian is to progress still to Pisces where it then feels the love instead of just knows it. Aquarian energy is all about humanitarian endeavors, it spreads the knowledge of love, it is innovating. Negative aspects of Aquarian energy is that it can appear self-righteous and arrogant to people that are less advanced in the Zodiac (which is the majority of the population) so this becomes difficult as so often Aquarian energy is misinterpreted and it becomes hard for people with lots of Aquarian energy to find people to relate to and feel understood by.


Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac and is ruled by the planet Neptune and to a lesser extent, Jupiter. Pisces is mutable water, in the form of mist energy, and therefore Pisces is the Mystic of the Zodiac, always disappearing and appearing, moving. This means Pisces is very emotional and it is deeply intuitive. Pisces is also the God-head of the Zodiac, it is self-sacrificial. Jesus Christ was Piscean. Mother Teresa is an energy of Piscean energy. Ghandi is another example of Piscean energy. Pisces energy carries the sadness of the universe as it has a depth of understanding that self and other are not apart. When another is suffering, the Piscean energy is deeply suffering with them and this can be a complete stranger. Pisces is self sacrificial and by being able to plunge into another suffering with them so that individual is not alone, a Piscean becomes the true healer of the Zodiac. This is the sign of total empathy for another, complete compassion and sympathy. This energy is aware of the entire breadth of the universe, it senses all, contains all the knowledge including that of the spiritual and mystical which is only understood via feeling and experience and can not be communicated through mental abilities. 

Piscean energy feels your pain and is gentle and often has eyes that swell full of tears at the suffering of another.

This is the ultimate and greatest energy of the Zodiac, one that is truly selfless and self sacrificial and is extremely faithful and caring without any need for reciprocity. These people are gentle and can often take on the traits of their surroundings so they must be careful of who they surround themselves with especially as they often don’t sense themselves so their levels of impressionability are very immense, often they do not realize the way their energy is changed until they are away from the people or places that have caused their energy to transform that way. There is both an energy of idealism and escapism that is intrinsic to Piscean energy. Their symbol are two fish swimming in opposite directions and tied together at the feet.

There is a dreamy and ethereal feeling that takes place when Piscean energy is dominant within a chart, and people can not hide themselves from a Pisces as a Pisces is beyond intuition, there is complete Clairvoyancy, Clairsentiency, Clairaudiency amongst other heightened gifts.

Imagination and creative arts and music are very important for Piscean energies, as a form of outlet from their harsh surroundings and also as a form of them to communicate, or attempt to communicate. This energy is thousands of times more sensitive to it’s surroundings than any other energy in the Zodiac. Due to their mystical abilities, Piscean energies can have a difficult time deciphering between fantasy and reality and because reality is so painful for them, they are known to easily develop habits of escapism which they must be very careful is not drugs, especially hallucinogens and alcohol, as they are very prone to finding reality is much easier to bare with these substances and very easily fall into the co-dependency of addiction, which can also be addictive relationships.

The Celestial Houses of the Zodiac

The First House of the Zodiac: The first celestial house indicates everything about THE SELF. This is the house that is traditionally ruled by Aries and thus is also ruled by Mars, the God of War.  In astrology, we look to the celestial house 1 for the person’s sense of self. It is the house of self, it is known as the most personal and one of the most important houses to look to in the chart as it symbolizes YOU! It shows your mannerisms, your appearance, your style, your disposition and your temperament. It shows also how you see your self and with your sense of self, how you carry yourself in your interaction with others. This gives your likes and dislikes, your wants and wishes, your behaviour, and to some degree, your sense of self-esteem and self-confidence. It is very similar to your ascendant and also shows how you present yourself and how the outside world sees you (although the Ascendant energy typically dominants this interaction, the energy of the first house is very important to understand in astrology). It is all about self-interest, including what you want from life and how you go about achieving things. This house determines the energy of all the other houses in your astrological chart, it is a giant lens by which the rest of your chart can be interpretated.

The Second House in Astrology: House 2 is ruled by Venus and by the energy of Taurus. This is the House of Security, the House of Money and the House of Possession. This relates to what you own in life and what you will acquire, this relates to your income and your financial prospects and this relates to your self-esteem, sense of self-worth, values and belief systems. People with dominance in House 2 typically spend their time making sure their bank account is big and they feel safe financially however they also do so structurally by aligning their values, belief systems and sense of self so they exude a grounded level of self-esteem. These people are the ones who love the luxuries of life so these people slowly build their luxurious empire which includes their own physical temple manifest through healing their mental, emotional and spiritual selves. Boundaries -spiritual, mental, emotional and physical are a very important theme of the second house and require counselling especially if it is the North Node that resides in the second house.

Celestial House 3: This House is ruled by Mercury and Gemini and therefore is the house of Communication. Although usually thought of through lingustics, Communication is much more that just the language we use however it is also a huge aspect of it. This relates to your ability to express yourself, your ability to speak and write, your connection with your family, especially the relationship with the immediate family members, and your day-to day travel (especially for work or education). This house also governs the way you think and your nervous system, it governs the way you move. This house is all about being logical and airy, it is a fleeting house, once the moment has passed, the moment has passed, especially so in this house. This house often indicated your early education and your ability to study and learn. It describes how you think, some people are mental, some are pictorial, some are do-ers…. 

Celestial House 4: This is a very important aspect of the chart as it indicates your connection with your mother and therefore how nurtured and loved you felt from the start. This indicates early home life and how you learned to do nearly everything, how you learned to think and communicate, how you learned to relate, what goals and values you have etc. This house and House 2 governs how safe you feel in this world, and your sense of identity. House 4 also shows the home you will create and how you will interact in the home, and with your children. This house can show your real-estate holdings and ownership of land (along with House 2 and House 10) and finally it shows the way you will be towards the end of your life, what kind of energy you need to feel comfortable in your elder years, the security you seek for old age. This house rules “home” in both the physical and emotional sense and therefore is a place of security and something that is kept very protective. This can also indicate your deep felt emotions.

The Fifth (Celestial) House: The fifth celestial house of the Zodiac is traditionally ruled by Leo which is ruled by the sun. This is the house of fun, romance, heart-felt expression, warmth and radiance, artistic expression, creativity and children. The fiery fifth house rules over everything you do for pleasure including entertainment, holidays, creativity and sex. It rules love affairs and speculations, games of chance and gambling. This house describes your ability to enjoy yourself and as Leo rules the heart in the Zodiac, this house also rules your heart.

Celestial House Six: This house is traditionally ruled by Virgo and also by Mercury. This celestial house is therefore a very grounded yet mental house and it deals with Health and Service of all kinds: Healing self and Healing others. This house indicates your will and need to help others and to be useful to the world. This house rules your state of health and whether you have a robust or delicate constitution, and what kinds of sicknesses or diseases you may be subject to. This house also rules your relationship with the people you work with.

Celestial House 7: Astrologers look to this house for knowledge of partnership and marriage. Mostly it relates to your mate, husband/wife type partnerships but can also relate to legal unions such as doctor/patient or business partnerships. The knowledge of House 7, particularly planets that reside within it or have aspects to it indicate your ability to be in these relationships and to what degree of harmony. On this note, it also governs the ability to have open enemies. There is a blend of personalities that occurs here as this house is traditionally ruled by Libra and thus there is and should be an energy of two people in this area with a balance of give and take to pursue a shared goal. Beyond the partner, people with their sun in this house excel in one-on-one relations such as spending their time with one single friend or business person or parent-child, and the Doctor-patient relation can also occur within this house (which becomes more of a “healer” energy naturally, than just regarded as ‘professional’). People with their Sun in the seventh house are often too busy thinking of the other, and molding their energy to this person sometimes so much so that they can completely meld into the energy of the other and truly believe that is who they are. This gives a lot of potential healing power however this also gives a lot of energetic problems if they are not aware.

Celestial House 8: House 8 is traditionally ruled by Scorpio and therefore also ruled by the Shamanic planet Pluto. House 8 is therefore considered the house of all things taboo. This is the house of the underworld and places people generally and typically avoid. This house rules sexuality, death, the afterlife, transformation, regeneration. This house is very mystical however in a dark underworld sort of sense. All knowledge of the occult and magic is found here, along with total spiritual transformation. In Scorpio, the last energies of the ego die and there is a shattering of the spirit that releases the spirit into the higher realms of the Zodiac which are discovered in Sagitarrian, Capricorn, Aquarian and Piscean soul journeys. This house concerns legacies, ancestry, taxes, debts and inheritance. The energy of this house can give some indication of your understanding of death, your connection to death and spirituality and to the afterlife. This house is Mysterious and intriguing and sexuality is pronounced here. The practice of Tantra is found here as is Witch craft and any of the Occult knowledge such as that of Symbology, Numerology and even to an extent Mastery of Astrology. This house is all about Psychic powers and the ability to read energies beyond the typical absolute realm, there is a certain level of “knowing” that occurs when this house is dominant in a chart. This person is incredibly intuitive, has x-ray visions into people, places and situations and can often also connect with spirits and the afterlife. A person with a dominance of the 8th house is often not only not afraid of death, death has a huge influence in their life, either lots of people have died around them or they experience death in a different way than the average and there is a such thing as experiencing death, which is an energy and being able to communicate about it. This person may have visions of their past lives, or others in past lives and often have a prophetic ability to just know things.

The Ninth House in the Zodiac: Astrologers from Ancient Egyptian and Babylonian charted the celestial houses of the Zodiac by classifying twelve seperate categories of life which came from hundreds of years of observation of people, activities, individuals, groups…The ninth celestial house of the Zodiac is the house that is ruled by Sagittarius and therefore a Sun in Sagittarius in the Ninth House of the Zodiac very much encompasses the energy of Sagittarius. The Ninth House is the house of Travel (both physical and spiritual) and Exploration with very much the driving force of a need to knew the Spiritual Truth. This is the widening of study to the most heightened forms of knowledgable attainment and therefore Universities become a part of the Ninth House of the Zodiac. This is the place of the Higher Mind which includes excelled levels of knowledge, mastery in studies, knowledge of religions, ideals on Spirituality, the expansion of language and Philosophies on life. The in depth study of profound subjects occurs here as well as travel to foreign lands, learning foreign languages, an interest in all forms of culture, mentality and religion. It governs adventure in all forms but with mostly the need to expand the way of thinking. The Ninth House also rules your public expression of your knowledge, ideals, philosophies and spiritualities and therefore publishing any literary effort also comes under this Zodiac House.

House 10 in astrology: House ten is directly connected to the father and to the work environment. This house is structured and stern and ruled by the energy of Capricorn and the planet Saturn. House ten is the house that relates to the Career and your Public Standing, it deals with your profession and your Status in the Community and very much your Public Reputation. This house reveals by which level of esteem you are held by with others. It reflects your image, as shown specifically by the power, position and honours that you may achieve. This house is said to therefore also be the house of ambition, aspiration and attainment. It is an outward expression of your talents and the way you accept responsibility. This house shows where you will get to in life through your own efforts and therefore also often describes your ability towards material success.

Celestial House Eleven: This house rules the house of groups of friends, aquaintances, the community, clubs and organizations and society at large. Anything that is a group of people that can be classified into whatever group fits here. This is also the house of our dreams, our hopes and our wishes. It is the house that rules idealism and visions. This deals with long term goals and intellectual pleasures. This house reflect your ability to enjoy other people. 

Celestial House 12: This is one of the darker houses in the Zodiac and by dark, we mean the places most people find uncomfortable and refrain from even talking about. House 8 is the the other “dark house”. Celestial house 12 is ruled by Neptune and Pisces and is the house of the Mystic. It is the house of the Unseen, which occurs within and without. Within, this is the house of the subconscious mind, the place of secrets and deep sorrow and the place of self-undoing. When we go through aspects in life that are too painful to deal with, they go into our subconscious mind. This is the place that Spiritual Medicine such as Ayahuasca goes, to bring these repressed memories out and show them to ourselves to heal. The energy of what is in the subconscious mind can be so painful that it can cause our soul to shatter. There is such a thing as a soul shattering into a million little pieces and it’s an incredibly painful process that most do not come out of. For this reason, evolution has created this immensely brilliant brain system that can filter this extreme pain and tuck it away so we can keep functioning with normal day to day activities. The twelve house is the final house and the end of the Zodiac so to say. This is the place where all is known and all is realized. This place governs unseen forces as it deals with the Mystic and in the Mystic there is both the immense light and the immense dark. The Twelve House is also referred to as the House of Karma and deals with our spiritual dues and duties and our spiritual debts. It is associated with psychic powers and the last teachings of the meaning of life.


Ascendant aka The Rising Sign: In short: This is the energy that people experience and sense of you when they meet you, as well as the energy you present in your image and demeanour which is often in the form of dress and style. This is the energy that describes the way you respond to your surroundings. This is also the energy that you follow to develop spiritually; the energy that guides you to help fulfill your soul mission and that which helps make your life meaningful. The energy below is how people see you, with a Leo Ascendant, you get attention and you don’t even try. You radiate warmth and light and love and people flock to you and want to be around you. As you progress in this life you start to take on this energy and become more like this energy. In my opinion, Leo Ascendant is the luckiest energy to have in the Zodiac because first meetings are so important and stay engrained with people.

More in depthy: In astrology, this is the energy that you first meet when you are born. The sign of your ascendant is the astrological sign that is descending on the Eastern Horizon as you meet the earth plane from the womb. It is said that this energy casts an energetic shadow that falls over you and it becomes the energy that people first meet when they interact with you, it is the energy of your outer demeanor. It is a very important aspect to your energy. First imprints of energy remain with people and they definitely meet the energy of your ascendant first. It is partially because of the ascendant’s energy that one can give off very different energy when they are first meeting people and then as one get’s to know this person more. In reading the chart, this is The First House Cusp -sign and degree of sign.

The ascendant energy often helps define your image, certain characteristics of your body, how you carry yourself, even how you dress and present yourself has connections with the ascendant sign. It also tends to characterize your distinctive style of interacting with people.

The energy of the ascendant is not at all superficial, it’s very powerful and much of the information that can be read online about it is not proper of the traditional texts where knowledge was maintained. It is said that as you learn to develop into the energy of your ascendant energy and allow that energy to progress you, you will follow a more fulfilling path and feel fulfilled and happy. A method of describing the Ascendant sign energy versus the Sun sign energy is the Sun is your soul mission (what you want to attain in this life, which also very much encompasses the energy of the North Node for one’s particular chart) and your ascendant energy is how you go about attaining it. It is also said that most people know your Ascendant energy whereas only those who closely and more truly know you will know your Sun energy.

The Descendant 

Your Partnership:

House 1 and House 7 are intrinsically related in the Zodiac. This is the house of self versus the house of other and very much becomes the house where we look to for marriage, especially, however partnership of all kind with one-on-one levels of relating. This includes friendships and business relationships. There is not a lot of the ‘weight’ of your chart focused on House 7 however very quickly, your chart shows that being able to meet someone mentally is one of your first prerogatives in what you find attractive. You particularly enjoy someone who is  more advanced spiritually and a little bit eccentric, someone that you can learn from and have good conversations with. To you, love is something that is unconditional and that you do not necessarily need to be attached at the hip but you want someone that you know is “there” with you, no matter what, even if you two live two very separate existances and lives. Love to you is not clingy at all, it is independent, two independent whole people that come together to create a union that is quite divine. With Pisces in your house 7 as well, you are somewhat also attracted to the mystical esoteric energies and as you sense there is something there that you can learn from and that is very attractive to you. The exact point of the chart that becomes very important to look at with regards to partnership is called The Descendant: The Descendant in the chart is one of the four very important angles that is always found on the cusp of the seventh house, the cusp meaning the exact point where the energy of house 6 turns into house 7. The astrology chart represents a circle and therefore is 360 degrees and in the entire 360 degrees, there is only one specific point that is aligned perfectly so that your energy is open for another person and basically this other person fits perfectly to your energy. Somewhat so that only one perfect key could fit into the lock and this is your Descendant, it is very rare this happens in reality and when this does, this couple is referred to as a ‘Divine Union’..The energy of the descendant describes the energy that helps fulfill you and something that is important to note is just because the energy of Aquarius is on your Descendant, that does not necessarily mean you are best matched with a Aquarius Sun-sign partner although an Aquarius Sun-sign partner would actually fit well with your particular energy. This point is often miscommunicated in online astrology chats. The energy of Aquarius does support your energy into greater wholeness however.

The Midheaven aka The MC or the Medium Coeli: The Midheaven is the point of the chart that is one of the four angles that astrologers explain as of deep importance to someone’s energy. It is always on the cusp of House 10 and is known as the ‘Middle of the Heavens’. This aspect shows the strength of the person to the outer world, how ambition and status are maintained and how the general public views this person. This house indicates the conscious motivations behind a persons actions. This placement indicates ambition, ideals and public image. Any major planet close or near the Midheaven is likely to show a mark on the outside world.

IC (Immune Coeli) or Nadir: The Immun Coeli is latin for “bottom of the sky” or “lowest part of the heavens” and is always found at the very most bottom point of the astrological chart which is the 4th house cusp. Another name for the Immune Coeli is the Nadir and it is the point in space where the ecliptic (the path of the sun) crosses the meridian in the North and is always directly across from the Midheaven (MC). There are four very important angles in the Astrological Chart that tell a lot of information of the person, these are The Ascendant, The Descendant, The Immune Coeli and The Medium Coeli. The IC represent a person’s beginnings and psychological roots which come from their parents, their home life, and what he/she inherits from previous generations. The IC, along with planets at or near the IC, are often the least conscious traits we have of ourselves and help tell the unconscious motivations behind the individuals actions.









Intercepted Houses: There are 30 degrees in each sign of the Zodiac and therefore, the celestial houses should also only be 30 degrees however this is not true in nature as the celestial houses span much father away from the earth and therefore can range in sign , all dependent on the further the native’s natal chart is from the equator. Intercepted Houses are defined as the celestial houses that span greater than 30 degrees and engulf an entire sign meaning the sign (the energy of the sign) is totally enclosed within the celestial house and as a result, the celestial house spans the energy of three different signs. An intercepted house always occurs with the exact opposite house being intercepted as well and there is often a play on these two opposing energetics, of the houses and the signs within them. When this happens, which is a bit more rare to find in a chart, it is said that the energy of these houses and these signs become meddled. There is a difficulty in accessing and expressing the energy of both the house and the sign energy within them however you will not be able to see this clearly. And this is one of the many reasons astrology becomes a very powerful tool for self-mastery and aligned energy as it guides and reveals yourself to you, especially aspects of the self that are not easy to understand or be seen. The energy of the intercepted houses and the sign-energy within the intercepted houses can play out in many fascinating ways. Energy can be mirrored, transferred, projected, rejected, countertransferred, repressed, shown totally inappropriately, hidden.. the list goes on and definitely it takes an advanced astrologer to be able to sort through the ways this can occur. This is one of the big areas of shadow-work astrology can aide and support: bringing this to conscious alignment so the individual can work through these aspects accordingly.

Intercepted houses are a major point of astrology that can help with some deep psychological work

Intercepted Houses in astrology are believed to be some of our Karmic incarnations and therefore indicate a past-life karmic dynamic that is carried into this life to be played out and worked on. Basically astrology believes intercepted houses are ways that your karmic debt is shown in the chart, alongside other specific angles and conjunctions, and then definitely the information about Chiron, Nessus and Black Moon Lilith. The intercepted houses show there a Karmic imbalance has occurred and astrology can guide how to bring it back into balance. The nature of an intercepted house can bring about a feeling of guilt, frustration, total failure or lack of worth and these are the first energies to start moving, under the guidance of an advanced astrologer. Recognizing that we are on this physical plane to learn is the first point, recognizing that most people have some level of karmic debt is the second and knowing that feeling any of the lower density emotions due to the karmic debt is not going to support the healing of it. Instead we must work to transform the energy, bring the concepts into enlightened and conscious thought and move in the way of healing. Even very deep introspection and meditation on self and actions sometimes does not bring this into consciousness. One is very lucky if a soul mate guides them and teaches them about this aspect of themselves however often when people like this occur, there is a tuf-of-war of energy and a disillusioned self can get in the way of true healing. Astrology is the best tool I have found to get to the bottom of these aspects of the shadow. This shadow work is actually the part of the soul that is developing the most in this lifetime and it could potentially take life-times of work to go through alone, or it could be completed with advanced astrological support. 

As stated, the opposite house and the opposite signs will also be intercepted energies and typically opposite or polar signs work together to balance each other however with interception, there can instead be massive imbalance and it shows mostly in the area of life where these intercepted houses govern.

All these energies must be taken into individualized context. These are just examples:

House 1 & 7 Interception: Self vs Other

Intercepted Aries: either gives too much or takes too much, either too much fire or not enough fire. This manifests as someone always getting into trouble or is ‘shaking in their boots’ so to say, and is without self-confidence. This can be someone that goes to jail regularly for angry outbursts or someone that can’t leave their home because they can’t stay within their own energy. This can manifest as deluded body image issues and, or, a totally deluded sense of self.

Intercepted Libra: can create a very dependent personality or vice versa, someone so independent that they do not know how to connect, how to feel. Someone with Asperger’s could fit into this category, someone with dependent personality disorder could fit here. Someone here can feel totally unworthy of another’s love and therefore settles for people that are not their best match. Someone here might have to be taught who they are and how to accept themselves. This person might not feel like they have any individualized traits or ‘anything to give’ to society or another. Self-esteem is a very big deal on this aspect. Sense of self versus the other, self boundaries are big deals as well. 

House 2 & 8 Interception: Physical and Energetic Boundaries

Intercepted Taurus: This deals with boundaries, especially of values, belief systems and the physical boundaries of the body. This deals with someone that knows how to take the simple measures to take care of themselves: Sleep properly, eat well, bathe… it is very basic and when this is distorted, it can manifest in many different ways: insomnia or narcolepsy, anorexia or over indulgence, ocd tendencies around hygiene or a total lack of hygiene as well as many other forms of boundary issues. House 2 and House 8 (Taurus and Scorpio) also deals with finances, bank accounts, security and debt. Again, as stated, this is VERY advanced astrology and not for everyone to simply understand. An advanced astrologer guides this.

Intercepted Scorpio: Either this person is always in a dark place and can have psychological issues classified as schizophrenia for example or deep clinical depression or even some of the darker aspects such as connections with ghosts and dark entities. There can and is often issues around sexuality here and boundaries, this could potentially indicate someone that has been raped or assaulted or has suffered some deep psychological or sexually-physical and emotional wounding. Love and value are distorted as are the energetics of sexuality, light and dark, life and death. This person may feel like they walk two realms or are not truly alive in this life. These is many ways this one plays out as truly scorpio rules all the levels of the realms, especially the deep emotional and intuitive realms so this interception must be thoroughly analyzed from many different focal points. Often these are our deepest engrained beliefs and again, are often so subconscious and so ‘normal’ that we don’t even recognize how deeply harmful and impeding they are. The Taurus-Scorpio Interception deals with self-love.

House 3 & 9 Interception: Communication vs Spirituality

Intercepted Gemini: This manifests in ways of communication, thoughts and also the nervous system. Examples of this is someone who is mute or has any issue with the nervous system, ranging from seizures to multiple sclerosis. There are varying degrees to all of this, as insinuate by the karmic load so this can also simply manifest as someone who speaks with a very soft voice or someone that has a fear of speaking publicly or thinks deep-down that their opinions do not matter to anyone and therefore does not state them. Again, the range of the ways intercepted energy can play out is immense.

Intercepted Sagitarrius: This can manifest as someone with learning disabilities or someone that has inappropriate social interactions such that they can not withhold their opinion. Tourette’s Syndrome would be a perfect example of an intercepted Gemini/Sagitarrius that has manifested. Sagitarrius is all about exploration and freedom, along with spirituality and higher wisdom so this can also manifest as mental retardation. This can also manifest as someone that can not follow rules or societal values as their personal freedom is too important.

House 4 & 10 Interception: Home vs Work, Feminity vs Masculinity

Intercepted Cancer: This could manifest as the loss of the home or the mother at an early age or a very distorted view of nurturing, safety and a sense of home. This could manifest as a child that is put through foster care and must move homes regularly in their younger years. Nurturing and emotional connection are issues, being able to feel love, feel safe, feel ‘at home’. Safe boundaries around what is love, especially ‘motherly love’. There is a tendency to not feel comfortable with affection here, feelings are typically concealed and gravely suppressed to the point of manifestation of disease.

Intercepted Capricorn: Connection between mother and father, home and work, and sense of feminine and masculine within are distorted. This could manifest as someone that is not sure of their gender, unable to maintain work, afraid to be successful or feel strong within their shoes. Typically this connects with building employment and advancing in the social arena however it can also deal with a father that was overly abusive or totally not around and  so forth.

House 5 & 11 Interception: Take vs Give

Intercepted Leo: Think of the typical traits of leo and then think of them when ill. This deals with self-confidence, pride, the heart, kingdoms, strength and ego. This can manifest as any issue of the heart including the emotional issues, total arrogance or total self-interest. It can also manifest as the opposite, lack of muscular strength, lack of happiness/jovialness…

Intercepted Aquarius: This can manifest as a very rebellious individual that just wishes to break all rules for the sake of it, someone that is overly dependent or independent, and form of mental disorder such as ADHD or a racing mind. Someone that is either too confirmative and afraid of showing themselves, being themselves or someone that must do the opposite and cause society disruption by always doing something that gains them attention whether through dress or action. This can manifest as very mundane or very proactive. Someone with piercings and tattoos all over their face and purple and green hair is a good example of this distortion. This does deeply deal with self worth.

House 6 & 12 Interception: Light vs Dark, Pure vs Impure

Intercepted Virgo: This can manifest as an anxiety or nervous system disorder as Virgo is also ruled by Mercury. This can manifest as OCD-levels of cleanliness or tidiness and the very opposite, utterly disgusting messiness, dirtiness, hoarding. This can manifest as a very, very boring personality, too practical to play or someone that can not be practical at all and is stuck in the mystical realms. This can manifest as someone that must have everything totally planned out and can’t function without a schedule or this could manifest as someone that has never learned any form of schedule and therefore does not know how to function properly in society. This can manifest as lots of 6/7/8/9/10th sense abilities or a lack of feeling connected to inner knowings and intuitions. This can manifest as someone that directly connects with God or feels totally unconnected to God. This can definitely manifest as a very, very highly sensitive being, too sensitive for this world. 

Intercepted Pisces: ideas of Grandeur and total illusion of self and ways of seeing reality can manifest here. Someone that either can’t dream or is stuck in a dream can be found here. Either the imagination is too much or too little, as is the connection with the higher senses and mystical realms. A child that gets lost in video games or comic books is an example of virgo-piscean interception. Someone that seems to have totally absurd beliefs or impossible dreams, severe addiction problems, connection to ‘other powers’ (can be demonic) or feels is guided by another voice or another entity can manifest here as well. House 12 rules prisons and institutions of all kinds.

Sun Sign Astrology

Each planet has a different way it affects the energy on Earth. To begin to understand astrology, one must firstly understand this.

The way the planets are in the Zodiac is also a parallel to the way a person is on Earth, with their own specialized and individualized natal chart and this must secondly be understood to gain a comprehension of astrology. Each person is a perfect depiction of the zodiac, with their own special signature and this is the entire basis of astrology. You are the entire universe. Each person is the whole, just operating at a different facet of which the light hits and shines. In understanding this, one can understand themselves. In interacting with another, with this awareness and knowledge, we are able to meet different facets of ourself.

Below is the description of each planet and how the energy of the planets work in astrology. Astrology is a very ancient science and this has been thousands of years of observation and analysis to have this information. Anyone that states this is not a science is absolutely ignorant. What is science? Science is a hypothesis, observation, data extraction and analysis. All it takes is attention to see the patterns.

The Sun: The Sun Sign energy is the centre of our Solar System. All planets travel around the sun and in comparison of this fact to the terrain of the human, the sun energy in astrology is who we are at our core, this energy becomes a very large part of our personality and has a large influence of the energy we are. The Sun energy of a person is not often recognized or realized in first meeting of a person. Often in interaction, people meet the energy of the sign that was on the ascendant as an individual was born and only in getting to know someone does the comprehension of their Sun energy come through.

The broad energy of your Sun Sign traits paint a picture of who you are in general and this is typically the first astrology people learn: Sun Sign Astrology and it is a good place to start, to comprehend astrology and begin to gain an insight into this language of energy. One must first learn all about the biggest energy: the energy of the Sun and how it changes throughout the Zodiac to begin to have any real comprehension of what astrology is.

When one advances in Astrology, then then gain the comprehension of the other planets and each to their energies and then even farther in advancement and comprehension, one can put all these energies together to gain an ability to read Astrology. All of the planets, in all of their different manifestations of energy add up into a collage, with the gravity of the traits of the Sun Sign to create the uniqueness of an individual. Reading astrology is therefore a huge endeavour and I personally studied for 20 years before I really started to read astrology. 

So with more in depth comprehension, the starting point is with the understanding of the Sun in Astrology:

The sign the sun was transiting at the time of your birth is your Sun Sign. The Sun is a very, very powerful energy in the astrological chart. It is for this reason why people typically classify themselves based on their Sun Sign as it’s energy is quite pronounced within their character and it is a good and simple way of understanding an individual’s energy however it is also because of this reason of such simple classification that astrology has been skewed to the general public as there is many more facets of energy involved in a person’s energy which can be read in the complete astrological chart by a professional. Reading Sun Sign Astrology is very elementary astrology and unfortunately it, and ‘horoscopes’ have almost ruined astrology. Astrology is definitely making a come back recently though and the population is being better taught by noble astrologers instead of the corrupt astrologers that functioned after the world wars to just make some money and in doing so, did injustice to this powerful science. It is for the reason of the simple classification of people to their Sun Signs that there are also people who do not believe in astrology as they can see that one person who is apparently a whatever-Sun Sign is totally different than another person who is apparently the same Sun Sign and therefore astrology appears to be a pseudoscience and false. It is not and reading an astrological chart properly is important. You are not just your Sun sign trait, you are a giant collage of all the planets and where they sat in the Zodiac but because the Sun is such a massive energy, this energy of where it sat in the Zodiac of your time of birth does become a huge part of your specific energy and as stated, this is the first step to understand and learn in gaining a grasp of what astrology is.

The Sun, in the astrological influence of the body, very much represents the ‘egoic’ nature of the self and therefore is very much a yang energy. There is a large gravity with the energy of the Sun sign, and then further advanced in astrology is specifically what degree the Sun sat within that sign of the Zodiac. It is quite complicated, and yes, very advanced but understanding that even if one is a Taurus, having the sun at the 4 degree of Taurus (the fourth day of the Sun passing through the sign of Taurus) and the 20th degree of Taurus (the 20th day of the Sun sitting in the celestial energy of Taurus) is completely different, yet there is still underlying Taurus traits of both people. There is always 30 degrees of each sign meaning the Sun moves 30 days through a sign.

The Sun is directly connected with the heart and is the fifth house ruler of Leo, it is therefore also linked with the circulatory system and the energetics of the heart: how one loves and how one expresses themselves.

In a broad way, the Sun Sign is your general character however, as stated, your energy is also very much related to the totality of your specific signature which is again, according to astrology, what signs each of the planets were in and which celestial houses each of these planets sat in, the moment you were born. For real: astrology is very complicated and takes years and years and years to grasp. And again, adding more depth to the already very advanced astrology, one must then go into the degrees of these planets within each sign. The asteroids in the Zodiac are another story of the great picture too. These are objects that have energetics similar to planets however are considered too small to be classified as a planet however they certainly affect people, and they affect each person differently.

The Western Astrology Solar Calendar does not move with the Gregorian Calendar. The Western Astrological Solar Calendar begins with the sign of Aries which does not collide with January 1. This is a very important fact to note. Never does the signs of astrology actually properly correlate with the way the months of the Gregorian Calendar is set. Although the Sun moves through each of the 12 signs of the astrology for 30 days, which is similar to the averaged 30 day-month Gregorian Calendar, it does not work the same. A rule of thumb is the Sun in astrology typically moves into the next astrological sign between the 20-22 day of the Gregorian Calendar and this will change every single year and must be calculated precisely. For example, the Sun moves into the sign of Cancer on June 21, 2020, which marks Solstice, one of the four major points of the Astrological Calendar. If the Gregorian Calendar worked in accordance with the Astrological Calendar, it would make sense that this date marked the first date of a new month. Does that make sense? The Gregorian Calendar does not represent the movement of the Sun in the Zodiac. I am not really sure what the Gregorian Calendar represents to be very honest! It must represent some specific cycle of planetary motion though, somehow, as after years of reading astrology, I am slowly starting to gain a comprehension of Gregorian Astrology. It is definitely something that was left to the occult and as most people know, only came with the rising of Christianity.

So, with all this said: Below is the chart of the energies of the Western Sun Signs. Again, the signs typically change over on the 20-22 (with the exception of the Aquarius/Pisces cusp) of each month however if one’s birthday lies on the 20/21/22/23 of a month, they are called someone that is born on the “cusp” meaning a place where the Sun Sign has just changed its energy. One born one (whatever) year on March 20 might still be considered a Pisces where someone born another year on March 20 might be considered an Aries.

Rules of thumb for the Sun signs are the dates of birth of the following:

Aries: March 20-April 20

Taurus: April 20-May 21

Gemini: May 21- June 21

Cancer: June 21-July 22

Leo: July 22-August 23

Virgo: August 23- September 23

Libra: September 23-October 23

Scorpio: October 23- November 22

Sagittarius: November 22- December 21

Capricorn: December 21- January 20

Aquarius: January 20- February 18

Pisces: February 18- March 20

The Sun in Aries: Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and it’s equivalent to The Big Bang. It’s the energy when the sperm meets the egg and BAM! Fire. Huge Fire happens. This is the fraction of a second where all of Potential Energy converts into Kinetic Energy. Aries energy is BIG ENERGY and the young warrior of the Zodiac, the unafraid Pioneer. Aries is a Masculine energy and it’s very energetic and therefore a Cardinal degree of the Zodiac, always changing however moving with its entire being into the change each time. If one actually understand the physics of potential energy to kinetic energy, this is the energy of Aries. It is a complete and robust explosion of energy in everything it does. Aries is active and somewhat aggressive, it’s excitable and impulsive, it does not think, it just goes ahead and does and it does not consider tomorrow or the consequences. It seems very juvenile and young but as one gains wisdom (which comes in the later signs of the zodiac) the way that Aries energy moves and works is actually the best way you can be: do everything with completeness, let go over the past and don’t think of the future. Aries energy is wise this way however it most likely does not know it is wise and therefore the yin and yang undercurrent of each energy can be comprehended as well. Mars is the traditional ruling planet over Aries, which makes sense as Mars is the ancient God of War, ruling over aggression and conflict. The Ram is the Symbol of Aries, an animal known for its assertiveness and energy. Aries is all about the energy I AM and Aries energy definitely is centred within themselves and their actions which creates an energy that exudes self confidence although they might not even knowingly recognize they do this. They just ARE, plain and simple. Aries energy is notorious for taking offence as the slightest injuries and Aries therefore has a hot temper and has childish and extreme tantrums. However, as quick as these tantrums come, they explode quickly and then they are over it quickly and completely. Aries will completely get over whatever mishap just happened (because they do everything completely) however often other people do not and this can leave a lot of karma for Aries. Aries loses interest very quickly and has a low threshold for boredom so they are always changing and moving, very active in all ways. Aries are the youngest energy is the Zodiac and have a lot to learn but ironically enough, they also have a lot to teach in simply being such a perfect point of comparison. They are very independent and can be teachers to some who have forgotten their need to be within themselves, even in the spiritual realms. Ironically and opposite in a way to their energy of how they do everything with their complete self, Aries are notorious for not finishing what they have begun, such as projects, and this is simply because they get bored and more on. They are respected for their huge amount of courage and pioneering Spirit. This energy never seems to run out of energy.

Sun in Gemini: Gemini is ruled traditionally by Mercury and therefore encompasses communication and thought in it’s simplest most fleeting form. Gemini is the social butterfly of the Zodiac, flying over here and talking a little bit, forming somewhat of a superficial relationship and then quickly moving to another place. Gemini is all about mental energy and responsiveness, this is the young intellectual of the Zodiac and truly it is as superficial of and energy is Libra, which is needed. Gemini is mutable and therefore changes with every person they interact with, they are lively, versatile, energetic and adaptable. Gemini should not be taken for how light their energy appears to be however, Gemini is connected through Mercury and Hermes as the ancient messenger of the Gods and actually is the only one in the Zodiac who has ever gone into the underworld and came up from it. Gemini carries sacred messages and is the Sacred Messenger of the Zodiac and for how young and frivolous Gemini appears to be, they are actually quite the opposite. The mind of the Gemini is exact and as all we truly have at the end of the day is communication between each of us , and ourselves and our environment, Gemini may actually be the most important energy of the Zodiac as it rules the powers of the mind and our power to communicate. There is actually a very intrinsic relationship between Gemini and Scorpio and Mercury and Pluto that many astrologers do not recognize. Communication is all we have, in all of the realms. Gemini is endlessly curious and is not an energy you can trap, they love to go and socialize and meet people of all kinds, and they love to talk just for the sake of talking and consistently being mentally stimulated. Gemini is the energy of duality, another reason why astrologers don’t give Gemini enough attention as truly, duality is the energy of the lower realms and Gemini is the main component of it. Gemini is restless and always wants fresh experiences, also leaving a trail of unfinished tasks as this energy is very young as well. Gemini’s are very persuasive and some might not realize how manipulative they can be as they make incredible first impressions and people do not actually realize how superficial their relating is so they easily gain peoples trust and can have many admirers without them really understanding or seeing the Gemini’s energy’s true colours. Inquistive and imagination marks notable traits of Gemini.

Sun in Taurus is all about being slow and sensual. This energy is a fixed earth sign that is quiet, affectionate, patient, stable and very stubborn. This energy is the slowest energy of the Zodiac and very feminine, determined, practical and resistant to change. Taurus is ruled by Venus (and traditionally rules House 2 of the Zodiac) and the symbol that represents its energy is The Bull so I like to explain this energy by describing a lazy cow to people. This energy is hard to move, somewhat like moving through some thick mud however it’s happy in its ways. It’s Stable. Taurus energy is all about Stability and feeling Secure. This energy is about property, money and possessions and the five physical senses must be firstly acquired. That means this energy must be well slept, well fed, well dressed, sexually and sensually happy before it moves on to it’s collection of security via a bank account, property and nice things. When these things happen, this energy is content. This energy will not do a thing until it’s ready to. Taurus-dominant energies usually take at least two-three times longer to do things that other signs would do however they are stable. They are not too happy, but not too sad, they are content and very much at peace when they are in balance. The energy of the Earth is Taurus energy, grounded. Think of the ground and gardening and how lovely it feels to roll fresh earth in your hands, this is Taurus energy. Taurus does not move fast and definitely loves eating and sleeping and resting. Taurus is directly across the Zodiac from Scorpio, so while Scorpio is sexual, Taurus is sensual. These people love to be touched and have massages. There is a parallel between Taurus and Libra energy for their femininity and need for nice energies around, anything that pleases the senses pleases a Taurus, but likewise with repulsiveness, especially smell, taste, feel and sight-senses. In understanding the differences between a Taurus and Virgo, Taurus is all about their self and their senses, they are very ego and therefore this is the sign that also defines what it is to have stable boundaries. Virgo energy is much more pure in a way, somehow lighter and their entire existence is for the other, helping and serving. They are much more quick than a Taurus energy would be. In deciphering between Taurus and Capricorn, this becomes more for the advanced energy readers. Again, Taurus will be more slow and stubborn whereas Capricorn is always reliable and helping. Capricorn energy is easy to get along with where as not just anyone gets along with Taurus energy, or should I say, Taurus does not just get along with everyone. Capricorn can appear slow and steady, but they do not have the stubbornness, although their ability to lay down the law can appear as stubbornness. There is a form of power and unshakable esteem that Capricorn has that Taurus energy does not have and this is where the mastered energy reader can really only pick up some of these subtleties. Also, very important to note as some energies can only really be comprehended in comparison and contrast, where Scorpio appears dark on the outside, they are of diamond purity on the inside and this is the opposite for Taurus. The inner realm of Taurus energy can be very very dark however it would never show on the outside. 

Sun in Cancer:  Cancer is the first water sign of the Zodiac and is traditionally ruled by the moon,  which rules emotions. It could easily be stated that Cancer is the most emotional sign of the Zodiac and also the most emotionally immature sign of the Zodiac therefore making their emotional behaviour wax and wane with the moon creating an air of emotional sensitivity and instability. It is an understatement to say the energy of Cancer is extremely moody, especially if one’s Moon is in Cancer. The moon changes signs typically every 2.5 days and every 15 days the moon goes into a dark moon and then a new moon and every 15 days thereafter, the moon becomes full. We see entire bodies of water and tides move with the moon and thus we know the moon affects all people regardless of sign however it especially affects the people with Cancer dominant energy in their charts. Cancer is very emotional, very sensitive, very nurturing and very self protective. Cancer is ruled by the crab who is sensitive and unsure and has a big shell that it likes to stay hidden in, it is an energy that is self-protecting by walking sideways because a straight line to it’s destination is too vulnerable and thus negative aspects of Cancer energy is that it is very insecure and this creates a lot of anxiety and internal disharmony. Cancer energy is careful and it aspires to harmony. It is very empathic and can mirror the concerns and emotions of others. Cancer has an innate nurturing quality and therefore has a tendency to get involved into others business as if it is their own, which creates problems. Unconscious Cancer energy can stir up the emotional pot for both them and the other person involved in unnecessary ways as it does not always understand its proper boundaries. There is an innate intimate motherly and nurturing activity that happens with Cancer energies and this can be annoying to people who are uninterested in being mothered or have not invited this energy that invades boundaries like a typical mother can, into their personal affairs. Cancer energy can be excessively worrisome and overprotective and therefore can create the opposite effect of what was intended, causing upheaval and drama. The Crab then gets excessively defensive by the energies that they created and then they either retreat or out comes the pincers of the crab which makes matters even worse. In emotional upheaval, the crab then retreats and takes forever to forgive, blaming someone else for something they are often responsible for with no ability to see where they played their part in the situation. There is so much that is lovely about the energy of Cancer though, these are the people that will go out of their way to take care of you, make you dinner, make sure you are warm, well and healthy. Their home is open to their friends and family and they love taking care of people. These are the people that will make soup and take it to their friends or even a co-worker that has fallen ill. This sign makes the home environment nurturing and lovely with nice colours and cozy blankets. Both themselves and others are plagued by their hypersensitivity however and emotional drama and turmoil is common with Cancer energies. All water signs are very sensitive, which also include Scorpio and Pisces, it is just that Cancer fully encompasses the egoic self and does not see beyond that there might be something greater to the picture and thus emotional drama pervades.

Sun in Leo: Leo is ruled by the Sun and rules the heart so this is an energy that shines. Leo energy is the greatest manifestation of ego in the Zodiac, it is all about glamour and attention. People with dominant Leo energy are spotted a mile away, they just absolutely glow and people love being around them. They somehow have a ‘King/Queen of the Jungle’ attitude and treat friends and strangers and business partners alike, as a good King/Queen, as if they are the ruler and the other is a part of their kingdom. Think of The Lion King’s Mufasa and this is the energy of a Leo. There is an exuberance to them, a fire, an enthusiasm. As the sun is the centre of our solar system and it radiates warmth to us, so does an energy of Leo. There is a level of trust by the peers and a level of loyalty to the people that Leo exudes however, in truth, the Leo energy is loyal to themselves first. Leo energy has a self-assurance to them and people gravitate to them like a magnet. They do not have to do a thing and they get attention, in fact, if they are not getting attention, they sulk. Leo’s sometimes feel like they deserve and have a penchant for being dramatic, they are extremely luxurious  and want the best of everything out of life. These people always bring sunshine into other people’s lives and they radiate warmth and energy. Unfortunately there’s a level of pride these people have and it can become arrogant. These people want to be adored and generally and easily are. Leo’s have a way of being the top of their business because they both demand and expect it. This is an energy that is typically happy and it’s really only if they are not getting the attention and adoration they believe they deserve do they get unhappy, and it typically does not last for long as Leo’s somehow have a way of getting attention if nobody is giving it to them. At times, Leo’s can be a bit lazy and self-righteous however they also have the Sun as their energy centre and at times where they might burn out a little, it is not long before they regenerate. This is an energy that is hard to resist.

Sun in Virgo: Virgo is the sixth sign of the Zodiac and is ruled by the planet Mercury so although it is an earth sign, it is also very airy and therefore we have a grounded, practical, mental and anxious energy that is manifest in Virgo suns.. Virgos rule the traits of health and help and dedicated service to others and feel fulfilled when they can be of aide in some way to someone else. These people are grounded earth sign energy and practical is an understatement. These people have a plan and they have the best plan and the best way to do things and that is in fact true. These people are the absolute clean freaks of the Zodiac and can not stand disorganization. They can put up with a place that is perhaps untidy and chaotic for a little bit but they certainly can not stand to spend time in a place that is unclean. These people are discriminating and industrious however they can also become overly critical and overly judgmental on both themselves and everyone around them. This is the energy of perfection. Because ruled by Mercury, these people are very mental people, thinking and analyzing and there is a tendency for their energy to be anxious and to be felt by others as high-strung and nervous. These people are very intelligent and believe in reason, they are not people who think or rely so much on their intuition like some others in the Zodiac would. The symbol for Virgo is The Virgin representing purity and modesty and because this sign has not reached the Zodiac sign of Scorpio, where sexuality is the theme, it is said this is still a virgin energy. There are many scholars who say the Biblical Texts are actually all written about the energy of the Zodiac and The Virgin Mary is the description to describe Virgo energy. Even if this is someone who has multiple sexual partners and is quite promiscuous, there is something about this energy that remains pure and innocent to others. The dominant trait of Virgo energy is that they analyze and according to them, there is always something to improve on. It is the energy of Virgo where the highest standards are stated, achieved and maintained however it is only the energy of Virgo in the Zodiac that is so strict to these standards to nearly nobody can meet their standards and almost everyone can sense their judgments and criticisms about it. These people are perfectionists to the point where they don’t even often see how much they stress themselves out trying to always have everything so perfect. Chaos is a fact about this world, these are people always trying to put order to the entropy and it both stresses them out (and often everyone around them). Because these people are so hard on themselves and others, they can suffer from nervous disorders ranging from anxiety to nervous exhaustion to digestive disorders due to carrying the level of stress they so often do. Many Virgos are able to carry an aire about them that you don’t necessarly see these aspects, you just see someone who is very practical, reserved, analytical and extremely organized and tidy however their interior is often nervous and restless and because of this, Virgo’s can’t stand sitting around, they always need to be doing something, arranging and rearranging and cleaning and organizing…something…and they drive themselves to exhaustion. From a Virgo’s point of view, there is always room for improvement. Virgos are very intelligent and have an excellent memory. They excel in Commerce, Finances, Marketing and Business. These people assimilate facts and information with crystal clear thought and memory that is easily recalled. These people do not function well without a routine and there is something about their energy that complicates things and analyzes too much, making mountains out of molehills. Their nature is actually shy, somewhat nervous and reserved. These people find it very hard to just relax. Hypercritical is a natural part of the disposition of Virgos as they always see a way to make a situation better and there is a tendency to be unsatisfied with the way things are. They are this way with their loved ones, their friends their peers and themselves and unfortunately, all of these people suffer from these judgements and criticisms and what becomes an issue for others is Virgo dish out the judgments and criticisms however do not do well if someone gives them any feedback. Virgo is still a decently young energy in the Zodiac with lots to learn so there will still be lifetimes on earth where they will learn that each time they are judging, they are not loving and there will be some more lifetimes for them to learn to come back to drop the judgement. For now though, they are playing their part in the big whole and judgment, discernment and standards are here for a reason. Finally, Virgo’s are the most health conscious sign of the Zodiac however they must be careful not to become hypochondriacs. These people are immensely devoted and loyal in love, they show their love by helping others, doing things for them, helping in whatever way they can. They are not necessarily overly affectionate but their love is shown through their dedication and service to their loved ones.

Sun in Libra: Libra is ruled by Venus and is an air sign and is all about balancing with another’s energy to create Harmony. In fact, the balance is the symbol that represents Libra and Libra rules House 7, the house of Partnership. Libra energy is the most elegant energy of the Zodiac, in a way, refined, feminine and egotistic. Capricorn is actually truly the most refined actual energy of the Zodiac. Libra energy is all about refinement though, and enchantment. Libra energy only likes people or places if they are lovely. Clothing is immaculate and always new and clean. There is somewhat of a Virgo-type of purity and perfection with Libra however it’s much more feminine and much more light as Virgo is earth energy and Libra is air. Libra energy wants a lover that will cater to her/his whims and always get along with them, be sensitive and push them when they need a push and cradle them when they need a cuddle. Libra energy wants someone to understand them and have perfect give and take. Libra energy typically has not a sense of self unless they are bound to and comparing an contrasting themself with another and thus the house of partnership. There is somewhat of a similar energy between Libra and Gemini and Libra and Pisces. It’s almost like if you could blend the energies of Gemini and Pisces together, you would get the energy of Libra. Amongst the air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini is like a scattering wind, over here, then blows over here and then over there and then there. Libra is like a gentle breeze, somewhat beautiful. Aquarius is a much more intense wind, and can truly wind up into the energy of a tornado. Many people do not realize the intensity of Aquarius, which goes hand in hand with Scorpio really, just much more mental, while Scorpio is emotionally intense. Libra loves to be romanced and treated very well. Libra loves to be admired. Similar to Leo but much more coy, much more refined. Libra has delicate and incredible manners. If one was ever to go to “finishing school” this would be the energy of Libra. Libra is polished. There is a love of luxury, art and equilibrium here. The Social order and Justice system stems into this energy and therefore the balance or the Scale. Egypt described this level of Spiritual Law first with the Balance Of The Feather in the Spiritual Testing Times and in our legal system, to balance through the emotions on either side of reason and come up with suitable Justice. Libra is the energy of marriage and partnership and Libra energy is desperately unhappy if they do not have someone to be with or hang out with however, sadly, Libra energy tends to stir up ill feelings from others in situations having to do with love, their indecisiveness and passive-aggressiveness annoy the best of anyone and they live in a lela-land similar to Pisces energy. They are overly fickle and often not reliable and their intrinsic narcissistic tendencies get annoying. Libras are judgemental on superficial aspects like how someone is dressed however if they have a charming façade, Libra’s just adore them and don’t look any deeper into that person to see if it’s a show or not. As a result, anyone that can see through this level of energy finds Libra very superficial. Libra however plays it’s part in the cycle of the energetics of the Zodiac and creates give and take, harmony, balance, order, serenity. The entire goal of Libra is Peace and they always understand another’s point of view. There is an ability of Libra to see, with clarity, either side of the argument, so much so that often that they don’t have a stance. Libra’s are therefore very indecisive and really struggle at this, and at trusting their instincts. Libras really believe in fairness so although this is the energy of partnership and the wish to get to unity, that only actually happens in the energy of Scorpio which comes after Libra. Because Libras are so infatuated with fairness, they actually always keep them and their partner in a dual scenario unfortunately, with a mindset that strives so hard for the balance of unity, they just don’t realize that their mind keeps them separate. So for example, if “you” choose where to go to dinner tonight, “I” get to choose tomorrow…and so goes the mind of duality of Libra. Libra’s love luxurious items so they often have trouble with money and spend it similar to Aries energies (as quick as it comes, it’s gone). People born under this sign typically dislike hard work and getting their ‘hands dirty’ so to say. Their charm gets them a long way though.

Sun in Scorpio: Scorpio is the sign of the Zodiac that is very intense. Scorpio is a very sensitive energy and therefore is penetrating as it has the propensity to read through people and situations with precision that is beyond often what people know of themselves. Scorpio energy rules sexuality, death, rebirth, transformation and resurrection. An Ascendant in Scorpio comes across as somewhat dark and mysterious and somehow comes across to people with an energy of Sexuality. More than a Scorpio Sun person does in fact. Often people with Scorpio Ascendants are seen by people as being highly sexual and somewhat mysterious and intriguing 

Scorpio energy is the master energy readers of the Zodiac and also hold the underground knowledge of the magic and with that, power. Scorpio is traditionally ruled by Pluto who is the Shamanic God/Goddess of the UnderWorld and Mars, the Gods/Goddess of War. Scorpio is the energy of the ‘Ultimate Power’ (the power of the Godhead, which is Pisces actually makes its way back to Scorpio to manifest on this planet) of the zodiac and so there is always an underlying theme of Power with Scorpio dominant energy in a chart. Scorpio energy is Shamanic, it's spiritual, it's sensitive and self protective yet also inherently altruistic. 

The major theme of Scorpio is Trust and all the of the issues with power is so that the Scorpio energy does not have to be so vulnerable to have to rely on trust as to the Scorpio, trust at this level ultimately means facing many levels of death and learning to hold on to nothing and trust yourself completely which is not in egoic terms. This is about the death process, and sacred sexuality. It’s about something much bigger than one can really put into terms. Total knowledge and mastery of self comes from Scorpion energy, the eighth house of the Zodiac. 8 is the number of Spiritual Mastery and your 8th chakra is also your aura, all of you, it can range from dark and black to white pure light, as a Scorpio can...with a change of their own mind and willpower, kind of like a light switch. This is the only astrological sign with 5 animal spirits representing our Totem (most signs have 2 energetic spirits): The scorpion, the snake (Scorpios rule kundalini energy), the eagle, the dove and the phoenix. Scorpio energy is Passionate af. This is the part of the Zodiac that gives FEELINGS, Scorpio rules the totality of your emotions and the entire range of the emotional spectrum, so Scorpio energy can take you to your highest highs and plunge you into the depths of your lowest levels of emotions that you wish you could escape from and hence, Scorpio also rule death that way. Suicide is a level of scorpion energy. Scorpio energies are the Zodiac’s detectives. To have Scorpio energies means the ability to read other people and their shit like nobody's business and furthermore, have the ability and will to pull it out of the person and bring it to the surface to show their self to themself, and people do NOT like this. People often blame the Scorpio energy for bringing out their darkness, they can’t even see it is theirs so they say it’s the Scorpio-dominants energy, if that makes sense… Yet it's certainly not the energy of the Scorpio-dominants to own and so thus is the level of being the Shaman of the Zodiac.

The levels of darkness that must be consistently dealt with when there is Scorpio dominance in a chart is consistent and immense. Everywhere they turn, they are in it. It’s truly a life in the underworld when you have Scorpio dominance in your chart. It’s somewhat similar to having X-ray vision into people and thus Scorpio becomes the Healer of the zodiac however they often do not even themselves know their powers. Often, unfortunately with this energy dominant in a chart, it is common and often that people try to put their ‘shit’, their ‘darkness’ onto the Scorpio energy. I call this "being painted black" because somehow, by just being in the presence of a Scorpionic energy, the depths of the unhealed issues that most people can't even touch by themselves, the shadow self, the shit you possibly didn't even know was there comes up to the surface like a magnet pulling it and what OFTEN happens, is this stuff is so deep, dark and subterranean that often, people can't even grasp that it's their darkness, they are so far away from it that they don’t realize it is theirs!! SO, this is what typically happens to poor scorpio energies, people dump their darkness all over the Scorpio energy and then point fingers at the Scorpio energy believing it is them! So particularly true with Scorpio Sun signs but also some Scorpio Ascendants and especially if there is also a Scorpio Stellium.. and they have a real tough time growing up and yet somehow, they always hold on to their diamond purity deep inside. For this reason, they become VERY sensitive, very capable of reading energies and very self-protective. When I explain this level of transference by other people onto the Scorpios, that forms a lot of awareness and healing for the Scorpio Suns as it is true in my observations, repeatedly. So very important and in conclusion: Scorpio energy, especially Scorpio Suns and some Scorpio Ascendants (yours would definitely) bring up other peoples dark issues, without even doing anything and they do not really interested or invested in doing it but it happens and this is why these people are The Healers of the Zodiac. 

Beyond this, Scorpio energies are LOYAL and to a fault sometimes... but when and if they realize that you took advantage of our loyalty or betrayed them, Scorpio becomes the Master of War and will legitimately fuck some shit up. For real. Revenge by the infamous Scopionic stinger is legendary and very much a part of the Master Plan, somewhat like a Sage stomps and teaches his disciple with severe punishment when he gets upset enough. Scorpio energy can be the Zodiac’s necessary evil if they are pushed to that place, never ever intrinsically but as the Scorpio energy somehow has the role in the Zodiac of playing God's hand when he has had enough of trying to be nice and gentle and show an individual the way and a Scorpio energy can burn someone to the ground if they have to go to those places. Usually it is not so intense and only “The Scorpio Stare” is a thing, but with the level of magic Scorpio can tap into, there is a potential they could turn someone to stone if they really wanted to turn someone to stone and I am not joking, there is magic in the Zodiac and Power and Intensity and it is found here. Scorpio is both the great teachers (Sage-like) and the great healers (God-like) of the Zodiac. 

Scorpio energy wants nothing more than a relationship that is complete: mind body and soul. Tantra is another aspect of Scorpio energy and these people want someone that will give themselves to them completely, and in turn, they will give themselves to the other: across all time and space, like legitimately beyond death. “Til death do us part” is not close enough for the passionate Scorpio energy, they wish to completely Unite. This is therefore the energy that rules Sexuality. And due to this, possession is another trait of Scorpio which can get super dark and obsessive but also really sexual and passionate and reach two people to the farthest places of God-like mystical energy (Thus, Tantra)…most people on earth truly have no concept of these places and their idea of great sex is pretty pathetic to be honest. Real intimacy, real raw super sexy vibes come from the obsession and possession Scorpios have innately. All energies of Sexuality and desire come from Scorpio and thus, this is the area of the Zodiac that also creates the birth canal, the connection that brings another soul into Time and Space. Scorpios are powerful, magnetic and have a magic that is beyond words and understanding, thus ruling death, rebirth, transformation, regeneration and probably also rule the Time and Space continuum. 

Scorpios burn and rise from the ashes, like the Phoenix. They will destroy their life and everything they are to regenerate at ways that is also almost incomprehensible until you are having a conversation with someone with some heavy Scorpio energy. Scorpio is actually the ultimate fire of the Zodiac, transforming all and this is somehow how Ultimate Power and Sexuality go hand in hand. Scorpio energy is obsessive energy because we are the part of the Zodiac where it all comes from and all goes in to, and they are possessive because they know in their sexual connections, they are so intimate and vulnerable that that gives the other person the power to destroy them and they hate that. The last little bits of ego are found here in the Zodiac and it’s through only their sexual bonds that their ego comes through, but it does, and most Scorpio Dominant energies, especially a Sun in Scorpio will get severally hurt in their life time, legitimately having a soul-shattering experience that is devastating. They then must tap into their powers and this is where they learn how incredible they are. Again, I am not joking when I say the energy of real magic is found when you dip into the scorpion vibes. This energy is blessed with a curse of being the most dangerous, yet caring, of all the Zodiac. Through connecting with the sexual realms, Scorpio somehow also rules ultimate intuition and will follow their intuition no matter what and without knowing how, Scorpio energy just knows things. Plain and simple. Scorpio energy get downloads of knowing things, prophetic on many levels, truly.

Sun in Sagitarrius:  Sagittarius is the ninth energy of the Zodiac and comes after Scorpio. It is in the energy of Scorpio that the last part of the ego is lost and the energy of Sagittarius is therefore the first energy of the Zodiac that operates completely from the basis of spirit therefore making Sagittarius energy typically known as being profoundly spiritual. The symbol if this Zodiac sign is the Centaur with a bow and a straight arrow (which is the constellation of Orion’s Belt) shooting for spiritual truth and that single pointed focus is the route to success. This sign is a mutable fire sign ruled by the sign of Jupiter which brings spiritual expansiveness, luck, goodwill and optimism. Sagitarrian energy is similar to that of a warm bon fire, it is a jovial spirit that is full of warm energy that is felt, a spiritual love that can be felt, an energy that is flexible and generous. The energy of Sagittarius is warm and open, truly open-minded, idealistic and an adventurous visionary that is undiscriminating can easily be sensed by anyone, making Sagittarius an energy that is well liked and well accepted with most everyone. Philosophy, Spirituality, Religions and higher learning centres such as University and even the study of Astrology and Astronomy are examples of the energies described by Sagittarius. The Sagittarius energy has a quest to discover and understand why there are worldly ills; The Buddha was a Sagittarius energy. Negative aspects of Sagittarian energy is it can still be black and white in its beliefs, especially when it comes to love and it can have an all or nothing approach which means a level of impatience and lack of total higher mentality, experience and wisdom. For the energies of the Spiritual Realms, Sagittarius is a young child however as most energies of the Zodiac are of the lower egoic-based realms, Sagittarius energy appears to be very wise and definitely it is, it just depends where the comparison point it. In general, Sagittarius is known as the sign of Wisdom (both in holding and attaining). Sagitarrians are known for being very honest and this can be a problem in the way that they will say the very honest truth without regards for peoples feelings. The way Sagitarrians can blurt out some painful truths can be painful for those who would prefer some sugar coating, which are the majority of people. Because Sagittarius is a mutable sign, it is important they learn to focus. Ideas, beliefs and actions all become aligned into fulfillment as Sagittarius completes its journey through the thirty degrees of it’s sign. A young Sagitarrian (0-10 degrees of Sagittarius energy) is very different than an elder Sagitarrian (25-30 degrees of Sagittarius).  Because Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet that expands, Sagittarius energy can indulge too much, especially in food and because Sagittarius is also the spiritual explorer of the Zodiac and has an affinity to go explore the unknown, there can be negative consequences such as having a tendency to go poke their nose where it is not needed, or they can become travel addicts or always jumping from friend group to friend group which makes their friends sometimes feel like they are not important.

Sun in Capricorn: Capricorn is an earth sign in Astrology, it is grounded, strong and steady. Observant and somewhat cold. The energy of Capricorn is sturdy, traditional and is related to a Grandfather Energy: Wise and typically not emotional. This energy however is actually very sensitive and can sense much beneath the surface. This energy is reasonable and responsible and very grounded in their discrimination. Love is a serious matter for Capricorn energies and there is a deeply routed sensuality found here. Happiness in love is a critical component to Capricorn energies and this is an energy that does not wear rose-colored glasses. There is a clear mind and a common sense approach with this energy that gives the reservation of inner strength in Capricorn-dominated charts, which is palpable.

Sun in Aquarius: Aquarius energy is the eleventh energy of the twelve energies of the Zodiac making it a very advanced energy with only Piscean energy being more advanced. Aquarian energy is completely in the form of spirit and not operating from the form of ego whatsoever meaning that it’s entire purpose is for the other, or the greater good, rather than for itself. Aquarian energy therefore makes the humanitarian of the Zodiac. It is an air sign energy and a very intense air sign energy. Aquarian energy is comparable to Scorpio energy in it’s form of intensity however where Scorpio is intensely emotional (and often still operating from the place of ego and therefore operating largely for self), Aquarius is intensely mental (and operating for the other, the community, humanity…) 

Air signs think and communicate predominantly and the mental activity of people with Aquarius in their charts can be very active and somewhat exhausting to both them and others. Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus and to a lesser extent by the planet Saturn. It is a fixed sign that is all about knowledge and the sharing knowledge. Aquarian energy is very detached as it carries a level of wisdom most energies do not understand or come even close to comprehending as this level of love is only found later in the Zodiac when ones soul has advanced. Detached love is actually a higher form of love which Aquarians try to show to people, it is unconditional and understands that each person has their spiritual journey that they must follow however for most people, they simple can not comprehend this level of love so the detachment that is innate to Aquarian energy is often misinterpreted as the Aquarius person not caring by the majority of people around them which is a sadness the Aquarian energy must live with.

 The symbol that represents Aquarius is The Water Bearer which means that it is the energy that knows the better way for the general public. The energy of the internet is a form of aquarius energy, sharing knowledge to several people at once. The energy of formulated religions are forms of aquarian energy, guiding people to the better ways of being, providing spiritual knowledge and rules. The issue for Aquarian energy is it thinks so much, and thinks about all it loves. Aquarian energy mentalities and therefore the journey in the Zodiac of the Aquarian is to progress still to Pisces where it then feels the love instead of just knows it. Aquarian energy is all about humanitarian endeavors, it spreads the knowledge of love, it is innovating. Negative aspects of Aquarian energy is that it can appear self-righteous and arrogant to people that are less advanced in the Zodiac (which is the majority of the population) so this becomes difficult as so often Aquarian energy is misinterpreted and it becomes hard for people with lots of Aquarian energy to find people to relate to and feel understood by.

Sun in Pisces: Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac and is ruled by the planet Neptune and to a lesser extent, Jupiter. Pisces is water, in the form of mist energy, and therefore Pisces is the Mystic of the Zodiac. This means Pisces is very emotional and it is deeply intuitive. Pisces is also the God-head of the Zodiac, it is self sacrificial. Jesus Christ was Piscean. Mother Teresa is an energy of Piscean energy. Ghandi is another example of Piscean energy. Pisces energy carries the sadness of the universe as it has a depth of understanding that self and other are not apart. When another is suffering, the Piscean energy is deeply suffering with them and this can be a complete stranger. Pisces is self sacrificial and by being able to plunge into another suffering with them so that individual is not alone, a Piscean becomes the true healer of the Zodiac. This is the sign of total empathy for another, complete compassion and sympathy. This energy is aware of the entire breadth of the universe, it senses all, contains all the knowledge including that of the spiritual and mystical which is only understood via feeling and experience and can not be communicated through mental abilities.  Piscean energy feels your pain and is gentle and often has eyes that swell full of tears at the suffering of another. This is the ultimate and greatest energy of the Zodiac, one that is truly selfless and self sacrificial and is extremely faithful and caring without any need for reciprocity. These people are gentle and can often take on the traits of their surroundings so they must be careful of who they surround themselves with especially as they often don’t sense themselves so their levels of impressionability are very immense, often they do not realize the way their energy is changed until they are away from the people or places that have caused their energy to transform that way. There is both an energy of idealism and escapism that is intrinsic to Piscean energy. Their symbol are two fish swimming in opposite directions and tied together at the feet. There is a dreamy and ethereal feeling that takes place when Piscean energy is dominant within a chart, and people can not hide themselves from a Pisces as a Pisces is beyond intuition, there is complete Clairvoyancy, Clairsentiency, Clairaudiency amongst other heightened gifts. Imagination and creative arts and music are very important for Piscean energies, as a form of outlet from their harsh surroundings and also as a form of them to communicate, or attempt to communicate. This energy is thousands of times more sensitive to it’s surroundings than any other energy in the Zodiac. Due to their mystical abilities, Piscean energies can have a difficult time deciphering between fantasy and reality and because reality is so painful for them, they are known to easily develop habits of escapism which they must be very careful is not drugs, especially hallucinogens and alcohol, as they are very prone to finding reality is much easier to bare with these substances and very easily fall into the co-dependency of addiction, which can also be addictive relationships.

The Planets & Angles in Astrology Explained

The Ascendant:  aka The Rising Sign : In astrology, this is the energy that you first meet when you are born. The sign of your ascendant is the astrological sign that is descending on the Eastern Horizon as you meet the earth plane from the womb. It is said that this energy casts an energetic shadow that falls over you and it becomes the energy that people first meet when they interact with you, it is the energy of your outer demeanor. It is a very important aspect to your energy. First imprints of energy remain with people and they definitely meet the energy of your ascendant first. It is partially because of the ascendant’s energy that one can give off very different energy when they are first meeting people and then as one get’s to know this person more. 

The ascendant energy often helps define your image, certain characteristics of your body, how you carry yourself, even how you dress and present yourself has connections with the ascendant sign. It also tends to characterize your distinctive style of interacting with people.

The energy of the ascendant is not at all superficial, it’s very powerful and much of the information that can be read online about it is not proper of the traditional texts where knowledge was maintained. It is said that as you learn to develop into the energy of your ascendant energy and allow that energy to progress you, you will follow a more fulfilling path and feel fulfilled and happy. A method of describing the Ascendant sign energy versus the Sun sign energy is the Sun is your soul mission (what you want to attain in this life, which also very much encompasses the energy of the North Node for one’s particular chart) and your ascendant energy is how you go about attaining it. It is also said that most people know your Ascendant energy whereas only those who closely and more truly know you will know your Sun energy.

The Sun: The Sun Sign energy is who we are at our core, the energy the often drives our interests and is obvious by mid childhood. This is the energy our closest friends and relatives know about who we are as most people that do not know us well know us by our Ascendant. This is the reason why you can meet someone and they seem to be one way from afar yet quickly you learn they are a little bit different, this is what you pick up when you go from knowing someone’s energy by their Ascendant energy to the energy of their Sun energy. The broad energy of your Sun Sign traits paint a picture of who you are in general. One must learn all about their energies and then add them and mix the energies in with the traits of the Sun Sign to really understand someone’s uniqueness. 

The sign the sun was transiting at the time of your birth is your Sun Sign. The Sun is a very, very powerful energy in the astrological chart. It is for this reason why people typically classify themselves based on their Sun Sign as it’s energy is quite pronounced within their character and it is a good and simple way of understanding an individuals energy however it is also because of this reason of such simple classification that astrology has been skewed to the general public as there is many more facets of energy involved in a person’s energy which can be read in the complete astrological chart by a professional. It is for this reason of the simple classification of people to their Sun Signs that there are also people who do not believe in astrology as they can see that one person who is apparently a whatever-Sun Sign is totally different than another person who is apparently the same Sun Sign and therefore astrology appears to be a pseudoscience and false.

The Sun is associated with the Egyptian God, Ra and the Greek God, Apollo. Essential Oils that connect with the energy of the Sun are Rosemary, Laurel and Frankincense. 

The Sun in the astrological influence of the body represents the ‘egoic’ nature of the self and therefore is very much a yang energy. The Sun is directly connected with the heart and is the fifth house ruler of Leo, it is therefore also linked with the circulatory system.

In a broad way, the Sun Sign is your general character however your energy is also very much related to the totality of your specific signature which is, according to astrology, what signs each of the planets were in and which celestial houses each of these planets sat in, the moment you were born. Much more advanced astrology then goes into the degrees of these planets into these signs and also encompasses the asteroids in the Zodiac which are objects that have energetics similar to planets however are considered too small to be classified as a planet.

The Western Astrology Solar Calendar does not move with the Gregorian Calendar. The Western Astrological Solar Calendar begins with the sign of Aries which does not collide with January 1. 

Below is the chart of the Western Sun Signs. The signs typically change over on the 20-23 (with the exception of the Aquarius/Pisces cusp) of each month however if one’s birthday lies on the 20/21/22/23 of a month, they are called someone that is born on the “cusp” meaning a place where the Sun Sign is about to change and actually it is best to get a chart reading as each year the sun is a little bit different so someone born one year on March 20 might still be considered a Pisces where someone born another year on March 20 might be considered an Aries.

Rules of thumb for the Sun signs are the dates of birth of the following:

Aries: March 20-April 20

Taurus: April 20-May 21

Gemini: May 21- June 21

Cancer: June 21-July 22

Leo: July 22-August 23

Virgo: August 23- September 23

Libra: September 23-October 23

Scorpio: October 23- November 22

Sagittarius: November 22- December 21

Capricorn: December 21- January 20

Aquarius: January 20- February 18

Pisces: February 18- March 20

It is said that you are the energy of your sun at your soul level, and you follow the energy of your ascendant to develop into the energy of your North Node and when you encompass and focus on encompassing the energy of your North node, you will feel whole and complete, settled and at peace with your life. When you are not doing this, unrest develops, issues of instability, exhaustion, difficult times and a feeling that you are not living your purpose or do not feel like you are on the right path. Often the ways the body manifests these energies is fatigue, emotional disturbances such as depression or anxiety or moodiness.

The Moon: The Moon is typically the next most important energy to look at in the astrology chart to understand one’s energy (beyond the Sun) as humans are very ruled by their emotions and the moon rules these emotions. The moon sign is a perfect example why you can have two people with the same sun sign but are very different energetically as truly we experience our reality with the energy of our moon and then how the energy of our moon reacts to our reality very much becomes a huge part of our energy. The Sun and The Moon represent our greatest cycles on earth: our sleep and wake cycle. They allow us for the sense of Time. The Sun is equivalent to the yang, or masculine energy within each of us and The Moon is equivalent to the yin, feminine energy within each of us. Furthermore, the female reproductive cycle follows the 28 day cycle of the moon and there are actually 13 moons within one solar year. Sacred information that has been changed and altered by the Gregorian Calendar which was changed by Christianity, however, information that is still maintained by the Islamic Calendar and in Islamic Nations. The moon represents are emotions and our instincts, which means it is also instinctively reactive, where as the Sun represents our will and individuality, the moon very much starts to develop our personalities. Often the emotional personality is even more hidden to the general public than the sun energy is and often not until we are very close with someone do we show our emotions. The moon energy is vulnerable, it is the inner part of you that feels the wide range of emotions and is very taught in Western Society to be suppressed. The Moon represents sensuality and nurturing as it rules Taurus and Cancer in astrology so that means it also rules your five sense: sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch and it rules your most nurturing relationship which is of that with your mother and of the relationship of your early home life and then your relationship as you build your home as an adult. Your Moon energy is expressed subconsciously, often in your dreams, including daydreams however as The Moon rises, we typically sleep and thus the energy of the moon also represents cyclical renewal, rest and regeneration. This energy describes your receptivity to others and how others feel about you and therefore becomes a very important influence and factor of energy in interpersonal loving relationships. The Moon is typically very sensitive, and becomes protective and defensive when we feel unsafe so by paying attention to the emotions that come with the energy of your moon sign and how you sense these emotions, you learn how you like to be treated. Harnessing the energy of the Moon in our astrological charts brings out our feminine energy which is lovely for both males and females and actually makes both sides more attractive as we truly start to nurture ourselves and our surroundings this way.

The moon is a cool, moist, yin, feminine energy that is linked with aromatics such as Jasmine, Coriander and Clary Sage which can enhance creativity and intuition. The moon governs digestion, nourishment, the mammary glands and the pancreas. The goddesses of fertility link with the moon: Greek Artemis and Roman Diana

Mercury: Mercury is the planet of communication in all forms, not only in what we say but also in how we think. Mercury is the traditional ruler of Gemini and is a very important part of the chart because this energy dominates our interactions with another person and truly, this is the purpose of life. We interact with others and the way we do this is largely seen with the energy of Mercury. Mercury is the planet of intelligence, our mind chatter is the energy of Mercury, it rules our perception and reason, memory and ability to speak and write. Mercury reflects the way  we see, hear, understand and assimilate information. Day to day travel and short trips such as car/bus/plane rides are also ruled under mercury, as is our cell phones an communication devices including the radio. Mercury will describe is someone is a talkative person or a quiet person and communication is much farther than just words. As Mercury progresses in the Zodiac, from Scorpio through Sagitarrius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, its energy becomes much more pronounced in the ability to read all that is not said. Mercury has a propensity to read someone’s feelings and body language, tone of voice, sense of health… In many ways Mercury indicates the profoundness in how we communicate. Someone with a Mercury in Gemini is very obviously more shallow in their interactions than someone with a Mercury in Scorpio. Mercury is ruled by Hermes and known as The Messenger of the Gods. Mercury is the only planet who can dip down into the underworld and come up to communicate about it. Christ energy is a Messenger, as was Mohammad when he gave the Qu’ran. Mercury rules the voice and people with strong Mercury placements can become great public speakers, writers, actors or singers. Mercury’s negative side is a propensity to be sly, critical, sarcastic, swindling, and basically a propensity to lie.

The Messenger Gods are Thoth (Egyptian), Hermes (Greek) and Mercurius (Roman) which link mercury with thought processes, communication (speech and written), the nervous system, the thyroid gland, the lungs and also with the ears and hearing. Mercury is associated with Fennel and Caraway as these essential oils focus on movement, stability and concentration.

The IC or Immune Coeli aka Nadi: The Immun Coeli is latin for “bottom of the sky” or “lowest part of the heavens” and is always found at the very most bottom point of the astrological chart which is the 4th house cusp. Another name for the Immune Coeli is the Nadir and it is the point in space where the ecliptic (the path of the sun) crosses the meridian in the North and is always directly across from the Midheaven (MC). There are four very important angles in the Astrological Chart that tell a lot of information of the person, these are The Ascendant, The Descendant, The Immune Coeli and The Medium Coeli. The IC represent a person’s beginnings and psychological roots which come from their parents, their home life, and what he/she inherits from previous generations. The IC, along with planets at or near the IC, are often the least conscious traits we have of ourselves and help tell the unconscious motivations behind the individuals actions.

Venus: Venus rules our propensity of love. It rules who we love, what we love, how we love and what we love to do in life. It is the planet of love, pleasure and shows our capacity to express affection and how we enjoy beauty. Venus energy shows in your personality with a sense of allure and desirability and shows what kind of sex appeal you possess. This energy describes what kind of lovers you attract, how flirtatious you are, what you wish for in a love affair and can even indicate some aspects of your creative talents. Venus rules over love, love affairs, art and beauty, adornment and decoration, affection, social graces, harmony and friendship. Leo rules love from the heart, and Venus rules the next Octave of love with is the feeling of being in love. Venus is the ruler of Taurus and Libra and is exalted in Pisces. Venus is in its fall in Virgo. Venus is sensual and deals with connection to self and connection to other and therefore rules our ability to love and to share this love with another person. Venus rules the choices we make when we buy decor, clothing, gifts and art. As it is the planet of pleasure it also describe the kind of amusements we seek and how we spend our money.

Venus is the planet of love and beauty and represented by the Greek Goddess Aphrodite. Venus pertains to the skin, parathyroid glands and female reproductive system. Rose, Geranium, Cinnamonium, Benzoin, Vanilla associate with Venus in aromatherapy.

Mars: Mars is known as the Roman God of War who’s name means “the bright and burning one.” Mars is a fire energy that is the traditional ruler of Aries, and the secondary ruler of Scorpio. Mars energy is the planet of physical energy and is also a form of yang energy of the body, firey, quick, young, masculine. When you decide to do something, mars is the energy that is used to do it and the sign and house mars sits in will tell about how you go do things. Mars creates action, force including the sexual force and aggression. Mars is the energy of assertion, it displays how you act and react in conflict and will explain also your physical body and especially your physical endurance. Mars energy creates the will to win and the ability to act. It indicates your level of physical, emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual strength. Mars also rules your sexual organs so this is the energy that is asserted in mating activities including the “chase” and the actual sexual act. Mars energy can bring strife and conflict, aggression, tension, anger, accidents and destruction. It is truly a force and very much is communicated in your energy, in how you do things and your general constitution and especially is prominent in your temper or lack of.

The Warrior Gods Horus (Egyptian)  and Aries (Greek) represent Mars which is also reflected in the strength of the blood, the muscles and the adrenal glands. The male reproductive system is also included here as is the sex drive of both sexes. Invigorating essential oils such as Ginger, Pine, Juniper, invigorate the energy of Mars.

The Descendant: The Descendant in the chart is one of the four very important angles that is always found on the cusp of the seventh house. The astrology chart represents a circle and therefore is 360 degrees and in the entire 360 degrees, there is only one specific point that is aligned in perfectude that your energy is open for another person. Somewhat so that only one perfect key could fit into the lock and this is your Descendant. The energy of the descendant describes the energy that helps fulfill our picture

Your Partnership:

House 1 and House 7 are intrinsically related in the Zodiac. This is the house of self versus the house of other and very much becomes the house where we look to for marriage, especially, however partnership of all kind with one-on-one levels of relating. This includes friendships and business relationships. There is not a lot of the ‘weight’ of your chart focused on House 7 however very quickly, your chart shows that being able to meet someone mentally is one of your first prerogatives in what you find attractive. You particularly enjoy someone who is  more advanced spiritually and a little bit eccentric, someone that you can learn from and have good conversations with. To you, love is something that is unconditional and that you do not necessarily need to be attached at the hip but you want someone that you know is “there” with you, no matter what, even if you two live two very separate existances and lives. Love to you is not clingy at all, it is independent, two independent whole people that come together to create a union that is quite divine. With Pisces in your house 7 as well, you are somewhat also attracted to the mystical esoteric energies and as you sense there is something there that you can learn from and that is very attractive to you. The exact point of the chart that becomes very important to look at with regards to partnership is called The Descendant: The Descendant in the chart is one of the four very important angles that is always found on the cusp of the seventh house, the cusp meaning the exact point where the energy of house 6 turns into house 7. The astrology chart represents a circle and therefore is 360 degrees and in the entire 360 degrees, there is only one specific point that is aligned perfectly so that your energy is open for another person and basically this other person fits perfectly to your energy. Somewhat so that only one perfect key could fit into the lock and this is your Descendant, it is very rare this happens in reality and when this does, this couple is referred to as a ‘Divine Union’..The energy of the descendant describes the energy that helps fulfill you and something that is important to note is just because the energy of Aquarius is on your Descendant, that does not necessarily mean you are best matched with a Aquarius Sun-sign partner although an Aquarius Sun-sign partner would actually fit well with your particular energy. This point is often miscommunicated in online astrology chats. The energy of Aquarius does support your energy into greater wholeness however.

The Midheaven aka The MC or the Medium Coeli: The Midheaven is the point of the chart that is one of the four angles that astrologers explain as of deep importance to someone’s energy. It is always on the cusp of House 10 and is known as the ‘Middle of the Heavens’. This aspect shows the strength of the person to the outer world, how ambition and status are maintained and how the general public views this person. This house indicates the conscious motivations behind a persons actions. This placement indicates ambition, ideals and public image. Any major planet close or near the Midheaven is likely to show a mark on the outside world.

Jupiter: Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Sagittarius and also therefore the ruler of the Ninth house of the Zodiac. Jupiter is all about expansion (and typically spiritual expansion). If you recall, I refer to the energy of Sagittarius as a big bon fire, warm and large and somewhat spiritual. This is similar energy to Jupiter, Jupiter is expansive so where it sits in your chart is an area where your energy tends to expand. This planet is full of good luck and optimism, success and generosity. It’s placement in the chart is also that of a warm bon fire, a place that feels good and makes one happy. Jupiter brings joy and abundance to life. In Mythology, Jupiter is the Ruler of the Heavens, the Supreme God. He is an all powerful and benign ruler who is a guardian of the people and rules with honour, good faith and spiritual wisdom. Jupiter brings luck and happiness, jovialness, good health, abundance in all forms. It rules over knowledge and higher learning, spirituality, breadth of vision and honesty. Jupiter brings wealth and attracts money and possessions, it’s position in the chart signifies how easily and abundantly money and happiness come to you, with little effort by you. A prominent Jupiter in the chart also indicates popularity, cheerfulness, an open mind and success in career, business and truly all personal endeavours. Negative aspects of Jupiter can be too much extravagance and being blind optimism.

Jupiter is the God of the Gods in Vedic astrology and Zeus is a good representation of this in Greek mythology. Jupiter is warm, jovial and moist and represents the liver, the anterior pituitary gland and bodily growth in medical astrology. Aromatics that promote a sense of expansion and positivity such as Neroli, Orange, Lemon, Hyssop support Jupiter.

Saturn: Saturn is the second big weight in the astrological chart (The Sun first, Pluto next and then Saturn). It is the biggest and heaviest planet in the Zodiac and is the traditional ruler of Capricorn energy and House 10. Saturn is all about traditions and restrictions and it is all about responsibility. It is similar to a Grandfather energy, it is wise and it is strict. It is not ruled by emotions whatsoever, it is almost similar to a military sergeant energy: somewhat cold, confined, refined and strict and it symbolizes the ethic of hard work. It rules contacts of all kind, including and especially marriage and the energy of Saturn is pronounced in our life as forms of discipline until we become disciplined enough. Saturns energy in a chart can leave us feeling lonely and depressed and truly unhappy until our chores and to-do lists are completed. Saturn rules our relationship with work and also our relationships with our Father. The energy of Saturn is cold, hard and masculine. There is no budging of the rules when Saturn is involved, no room for short cuts. Saturn’s energy in a chart rules diligence, self-control and limitation of all kinds. It is exceptionally patient, mature, realistic and stone-cold stable. It is the most profound energy of sobriety. Saturn is the Celestial Taskmaster and it teaches us the lessons we have to learn in life. The people who seem to truly have to go through “the school of hard knocks” have a very prominent Saturn in their chart but their level of Self-Mastery is renowned. Prominent Saturn energies in a chart create a total Mastered person, in body, thought, language and spirituality. This is someone who becomes a very respected person in society. Obstacles and hardship are definite energies that Saturn rules and it’s biggest lessons is about Respect and Integrity. Under Saturn’s influence, rewards are delayed until they are earned and truly teaches one perseverance is the key. Negative aspects of Saturn can make someone overly ambitious, overly calculating and dominant, solitary, inhibited and unhappy. It can make one’s energy inflexible, obstinate and cruel with a total lack of humour and a grande level of pessimism. Saturn rules our destiny and fate, all that we cannot escape and the payments and due diligence we must give before we can receive.

Saturn is cold and dry in nature and represented by the Greek God Kronos, the lord of time. Saturn governs the bones, the posterior pituitary gland and the ageing process. Saturn is a symbol of stability and endurance and Cedarwood oil also has this energy.

Neptune:  Neptune is the planet of idealism, the most heightened forms of spirituality, the ethereal and illusion. Neptune is other worldly and deals with mysticism and the most highest planes of consciousness. It is the ruler of the 12th House of the Zodiac and also the ruler of Pisces. Neptune therefore rules the Mystical and the subconscious such a dream life, imagination and fantasy. Neptune can give a hypnotic and bewitching quality to someone when it is prominent in a chart, it can also create for someone who is incredible ethereal and extremely psychic. Clarity of the highest senses such as prophetic visions, heightened intuitions, clairvoyances, clarity in telepathy, clairaudience, clairsentiency and hidden memories are aspects controlled by Neptune. There is a profound depth of understanding in the place of the chart where Neptune is. Neptune creates a strong visionary and someone who is extremely spiritual with often a direct connection to spiritual knowledge that most would not be able to comprehend. In mythology, Neptune is the Roman God of the Sea and therefore rules over all of the waters: the oceans, rivers and streams and this includes the symbolic spiritual seas and spiritual rivers as well. Negative aspects of Neptune are deception, confusion, fraud, treachery and shame. Neptune rules over the dramatic stories of life, dance, poetry, hypnosis, sacred temples and shrines, anesthesia, hallucinogens, institutions, prisons, poison and drug addiction. An afflicted Neptune is found when someone can not separate fantasy from reality and someone with an afflicted Neptune could easily be diagnosed with a mental disease which is only a label created by man for why some people are different than the norm, in other cultures, these people were considered sacred and prophetic and had heightened abilities to interpret messages from the spiritual realm and to help others heal. 

Uranus: Uranus is an electric blue planet that is ruled by Aquarius and is the ruler of House 11 of the Zodiac. Its quality is that of surprise as it rules change and originality in the Zodiac. Uranus brings sudden events, opportunities, awakenings, shocks, revolutions to the places it sits in the chart and the aspects it connects with. This planet in our chart also allows for our own unique originality and special self-expression to come out, something that is different and unorthodox and this planet actually rules our inner will and secret powers: it rules an unconscious purpose that is revealed to us over a lifetime. A strong Uranus in the chart gives us strong power. This planet is associated with science, invention, innovations, electricity, humanitarian movements and the transfer of mass amounts of information. Religious texts are an example of Uranus at work, as is the invention of the internet and the lightbulb and the electric car. This planet can create sudden upheaval and unexpected happenings at the place it sit in the chart and allows astrologers to read whether you have a conventional or unconventional mind, whether you are open to odd and unique ideas and what your propensity is for sudden and dramatic events to happen in your life. If Uranus is prominent in your chart, you are unique in all ways with very eccentric tastes including dress style, living style and behaviour. Uranus creates independence and resourcefulness and also can create undisciplined, reckless and perverse manners and mannerisms. There is an aspect of rebellion when Uranus is predominant in the chart. Uranus also helps create psychic and visionary powers.

Pluto: Pluto is the smallest, darkest and most dense planet in the Zodiac. It is the traditional ruler of Scorpio and is known as the Shamanic energy of the Zodiac. The energy of Pluto is intense and underworldly. Pluto rules deep transformation and is the planet of annihilation, destruction and deep regenerative forces. Where Pluto sits in a Zodiac Chart marks an area of massive gravity and makes anything that sit next to it increase their energy by the power of 10. The negative energetically manifestations of Pluto are a will to dominate and control, an obsessiveness and absolute destruction. It rules the unseen, all that is beneath the surface. The house it sits in in a chart is often where the individual dwells for deeper truths and meanings of their experience and is often related to our deepest needs.

Pluto in the 7th House: creates power struggles in close and personal relationships and there is an absorption of each other into a united energy where all that is unseen and subconscious becomes found and illuminated by travelling through the depths of the underworld together. Pluto is the Shaman as it can create massive healing however this requires a master as otherwise the remnants of the underworld become too painful and both parties experience a very painful shatter. Either way, healing will occur, whether it is alone or together is the question. Often relationships can be completely destroyed with this aspect as too much darkness that plagues the underworld comes up to the surface and then it becomes a journey where each must separate and heal on their own. Often this indicates a draw to deeply passionate and intense relationships with often people who are possessive and obsessive as a person with a 7th House Pluto can also become deeply possessive and obsessive. Their sexual relationships are also typically passionate and power plays can dominate into very unhealthy forms. One must be careful to not project power, control and manipulation onto their partner with this aspect as if given a little bit of kindling, its energy can destroy a beautiful relationship. Jealousy is also a theme of this aspect and this deals more with self confidence and trust in self than it does with the other so also being aware not to project these things is pertinent to a healthy relationship. Often the ill feelings of this come from a deep love of this person and a deep fear of having them betray you. Trust is a major aspect that must be learned here as trusting means a release of control and power and Pluto is all about power.

The North Node and The South Node: 

Finally, this is one of the greatest most important parts of Astrology! You take all of your energy to learn about this and transform into this placement and you will feel very fulfilled in life. In astrology, we say, we are our Sun sign energy at our Soul, we follow the energy of our Ascendant and we reach the energy of our North Node to feel like we are successful, happy and on the proper path. Doing our proper work for our soul. 

The word ‘node’ comes from the Latin word ‘nodus’ which means ‘knot’ and this is a place in the chart that is intrinsically karmic, it is like a hand shake with God. Your South Node is said to be ‘where you come from’ and therefore shows the energy that you are here to teach as it is experiences, qualities and general ‘energy’ that comes naturally to us and is perfected, developed. Because of this, we tend to fall back to this energy, gravitate to our Sourth Nodes when reality of this life, according to astrology is that we must move to the energy of our North Node. The North Node is ‘where you must go’ , it is the energy you must learn in this life time to feel fulfilled on your soul path. Another name for these Nodes are the Ascending Node and the Descending Node and they are literally the nodes of the moon. The moon’s nodes are the astrological (very similar to the word geographical in this sense) points that indicate where the orbit of the Moon around the Earth crosses the ecliptic, which is the Sun’s path through the Zodiac.

The North node () and South Node () are always directly opposite to each other and therefore are similar to the way the Ascendant or Rising Sign is directly (180 degree) across from the Descendant, or place of Partnership, as well, this is true with the Midheaven and Nadir.

Together, the North Node and South Nodes form the Nodal axis which are mathematical points and not planetary (nor asteroid) bodies. In ancient folklore, this is the giant serpent, or the dragon’s eye of the Zodiac and there is a lot of Karma here. When one is out of balance with their North Node, which is common, their life is full of depression, despair. If one is not connected with the energy of their North Node, they literally feel like they have no purpose and what is intriguing is because the energy of the South Node is so strong, let alone the other planetary energies such as the Sun and the strong forces of Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn and any other conjunctions, it is very, very difficult to be able to be in the proper energy of the North Node. Because the South Node energy is so strong, it is said to be a place of ‘self-undoing’ and as stated, it’s common to see depression and suicidal tendencies when someone is in their South Node energy versus their North Node. Other ways of this manifesting can be illness such weight gain and other health issues such as cancer, a lack of motivation, anxieties and fear, deep insecurities, most definitely a general lack of fulfillment. It is in my opinion that we can not attain the energy of our North Node without interacting with others and that it is only a few specific and very special soul-aligning people that will come into one’s life within their lifetime to help guide them to their North Node energy. Then, one must learn to pay attention and learn the energy of this place and learn to bring it CONTINUOUSLY into their habitual patterning as without consistent consciousness of this place, one will easily move back to the energy of their South Node or other planetary chart energies and forces.

The North Node of the Moon is literally the Spiritual key to happiness and fulfillment, as it is in this place we find spiritual balance and alignment. This place does not come easily, it takes work and development and continual consciousness to attain. 

North Node in Aries &/or The First House (South Node in Libra &/or H.7):

Co-dependency, indecisiveness, problems in one-to-one relationships

A need to learn to be alone, learn to love self, learn to trust our path and show up as a leader. This individual will easily fall back into unhealthy co-dependent relationships due to fear of navigating life by themselves and standing alone as an independent entity. This person is indecisive, wishy-washy and does not listen, trust or feel their instincts because they must learn to attune to their own inner voice instead of trying to balance with someone else. This individual fears expressing their individual assertions and must learn to act on their impulses and have confidence in their self. This person must learn to attain inner peace instead of the false sense of peace they attain from creating a ‘nice’ environment with a partner or friend, whomever the other person is they often gravitate to. By attaining their inner self-worth and identity, the relationships they do create become much healthier and happier.

North Node in Taurus &/or The Second House (South Node in Scorpio &/or H. 8):

This position deals with self-worth and values, specifically in terms of our significant others, especially the ones that we sexually connect with. This position creates a person that is easily wrapped up in the needs of others at the expense of their own needs and creates very intense, passionate situations that feel like life-or-death. This placement leads to the attunement of the underworld energies, around sexuality, death, magic and everything taboo. This position has a great duty to discover its own values and belief systems and to establish self-worth and self-esteem. This may seem easy however often this is given to someone who comes to this life with no sense of self whatsoever and is deeply and completely empathic to their surroundings, so much so that it feels nearly impossible to have any sense of self as their feeling of self is truly a ‘no-thing-ness.’ Probably nobody would understand this except someone with this specific pattern or another chart that creates someone that is legitimately a Mystic (lots of Piscean energy). This placement must learn to define its own goals dependent on its own values and learn to take the steps to acheive them in a patient way which leads to a greater pattern of self-worth.

North Node in Gemini &/or The Third House (South Node in Sagitarrius &/or H.9):

This placement tends to speak without the proper facts, teach without being a teacher and creates a lot of negative karma for itself by doing this. There is a self-righteousness here that also holds a nervous energy that is too quick in its words. There is a hurry with this individual and a fear of imprisonment in whichever way that happens so a lack of integrity in maintaining relationships of all sorts is commmon. This individual needs to learn to listen, think before speaking and attain proper truth before teaching. This energy is a ‘know it all’ and in fact does not actually ‘know’ properly so there is a big ego influence here that must learn to mature. Wisdom is learned with this degree which means higher levels of spiritual teachings are taught during the lifetime, along with a path that leads them to see both sides of a story so that they do not just speak ‘truths’ that are not in fact true. This individual will be taught to listen to others and not speak, taught to quiet down and slow down and sensitive itself to others and its surroundings.

North Node in Cancer &/or The Fourth House (South Node in Capricorn &/or H.10):

This energy is rigid, overly serious and responsible and somewhat of a control-freak that micro-manages everything and everyone in its life. The teachings is learning to let go and that nobody wants to be managed. The standards of perfection must be relaxed and that achievement does not need to be so grande. This energy is a perfectionist and works over-time, all the time and it’s stressful for them and everyone around them and they are being taught to learn to nurture themselves and others instead of worry so much about their professional and public status and achievements. This is truly the ‘go-getter’ and instead of having people support this energy in this lifetime, they learn that their overly A-type and achieving energy is not welcomed by those they interact with. Often people do this by shunning or not wanting to be around this energy as they are seen as too competitive however when they start to relax and nurture and become more ‘watery’ and emotional versus hard, difficult and rigid, they find that people all of a sudden gravitate towards them. This energy must learn to be vulnerable and ‘needy’, to let others take care of them while also taking care of others. This energy needs to move from the public and professional sphere into the home so often these people are big executives where life teaches them they must retire and move into their home and take care of their spouse and children. Being overly ambitious in this life is not the purpose of this North Node, it’s to be nurturing and taking care of self and others with warm food and nice blankets and long baths and great sleeps.

North Node in Leo &/or The Fifth House (South Node in Aquarius &/or H.11):

This placement gives a tendency to rely on others who may not have our best interests to heart along with a way of being impersonal or distant in our interactions with others. There is also a fear of attention and standing out, taking risks and expressing who we are, from our heart. This position worries too much about what others thinks and must learn to strike out on its own creative path. There is a gain of self-esteem and self-worth here similar to a North Node in Taurus however it must also do so with attention focused on it from others. There is a need to learn to interact with others in a wholesome and loving way that is very independent and confident.

North Node in Virgo &/or The Sixth House (South Node in Pisces &/or H.12):

This North Node is avoidant in its character, of responsibilities and practicalities of everyday life. It naturally ‘goes with the flow’ and leaves aspects to the divine however it must learn to formulate organization, structure and clear goals and plans. This individual has a path of learning routine, schedules and health in this lifetime. It is about being orderly, clean and perfection. Finishing the job and being grounded into a focused mind.

North Node in Capricorn &/or The Tenth House (South Node in Cancer &/or H.4):

This north node has a tendency to be overly attached to the past, childhood, early home life and their mother and often falls into the feeling of nostalgic reminiscence. There is a pattern in being vulnerable and dependent on others for emotional nurturing and sustenance and a wish to be around the home, to cook and make it feel cozy however this individual must learn to become more rigid, strong and move into the realms of the professional world and start acting like a boss. This person must learn to take charge of life and not focus on emotional problems, it must accept responsibility for itself and not blame the past or focus on the emotional difficulties and insecurities. Once this individual lets go of the idea that security comes from the outside and emotional connections with others and learns that it must ground its own emotions into a responsible and mature individual, it will be create the security that is craved. There is a literal desensitization that must occur for this individual, a stoic-ness that needs to be learned so that when emotions are stirred, this individual remains stead fast and as strong as a brick wall almost to the point of feeling nothing however that is not the case, this individual is still immensely sensitive however their emotional maturity must become that of a sage.