January 2024

Welcome to a new Gregorian Year!

January marks a refreshing new energy and a new energy for the next twenty years as Pluto moves into Aquarius. Watch the world massively change over the next two decades: Science innovation is increasing exponentially. Aquarius is the sign of the humanitarian so humanitarian issues will be on the forefront. Technological innovation and expansion will continue to evolve, but at a much quicker pace. 

Mercury, the planet ruling communication and movement, goes direct January 2. Uranus, the planet ruling knowledge, change, innovation, technology, goes direct January 26. Expect forward momentum after six months of stagnant energy as many of the planets were retrograde in the sky. As January comes to a close: all planets are direct!

The Sun travels through Capricorn until January 20, where it enters Aquarius - the same day as Pluto enters Aquarius. The theme of January 2024: Intense Innovations and Change. It’s a powerful time on earth. 

January 11 is a new moon in Capricorn.

January 25 is a full moon in Leo. In my opinion, the Leo full moon is the most fun full moon of the year so I hope you all soak up all the heart-warming Leo energy.

Venus travels through Sagittarius, entering Capricorn January 23.

Mars is in Capricorn all month.

Mercury direct enters Capricorn January 13. Themes from the beginning of December 2023 are revisited.

Chiron -the asteroid that governs our wounds and our healing - according to astrology this is inherent, coming from past-life karma and once healed becomes our gift to the world, hence “the wounded healer” - is travelling all month conjunct the North Node in Aries. The North Node is the energy that we all must learn and attain in this lifetime to feel like we are achieving our karmic intentions of this earthly lifetime. What does this mean? Those that still have healing to do have been feeling their wounds heavily the last year and this continues into this year. This is how the planets have aligned to actually help heal. Those that have done their spiritual work have been able to be helpful in healing others and via them participating in supporting others healing, they are able to feel achieved, successful and satisfied they are on their proper dharmic path.

It’s a lot of Capricorn energy this month! Capricorn energy is all about respect, responsibility, tradition, time and maturity. Pay attention how this energy is activated in your life this month!

Aries: Both Chiron and the North Node continue through your sign, and it continues to be an energy of healing: how that manifests in your life is your own karma. Capricorn energy is a sturdy, steady and strong energy to propel you into disciplined work all month long.

Taurus: Jupiter and Uranus travel in Taurus bringing you luck and abundance, change and innovation. Expect some major shifts by the end of the month when Uranus goes direct. Uranus can change your entire life in the blink of an eye.

Gemini: Your ruling planet, Mercury, going direct will make you feel like you want to go out and be the social butterfly you are. Happy exploring. A month of culture, learning and travel.

Cancer: All the Capricorn energy sits opposite to your energy, which can be balancing. What discipline do you need to integrate into your life? It’s a good time to review your own self: values, traditions, time, discipline, responsibilities… are these aligned?

Leo: The Leo full moon is a time for your emotional-self to shine. All of your emotional self is illuminated this one time of the year: what’s been hidden? Your subconscious self come to light this full moon. Healing the subconscious can put you light years ahead in consciousness.

Virgo: Capricorn energy is also a earth sign so it’s supportive of your energy. Juno, the planet of devotion and black moon Lilith, the planet of deep feminine sexuality and power travel in your sign this month. A powerful month in the work-front.

Libra: Because you are an energy that is dependent - the energy of the Zodiac that balances - use the month to create extra discipline in your life. Success is all about discipline.

Scorpio: Pallas, the asteroid of wisdom sits in your sign this month. It’s a good month to meditate and soak up the wisdom that comes. This year is a very good year in business for you and most of your energy will be dedicated to work. 

Sagittarius: 2024 brings you opportunities of growth via social engagements and friendships. It’s an important year for you to spend time with your family and friends. It’s an important year for you to practice grounding exercises: yoga, meditation, breathing. Lots of exciting events will present this year.

Capricorn: The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Pluto and Mars travel in Capricorn for most of the month so it’s an incredibly supportive month for you. It’s a good month to plan, reinvent and invest. But, it’s ideal to wait until the end of the month to sign any contracts. Happy birthday!

Aquarius: The Sun and Pluto enter Aquarius January 20 and Uranus, your ruling planet, goes direct January 26. It’s a powerfully supportive month for you. Pluto will be traveling in Aquarius for the next 20 years: watch how this shifts earth consciousness. Happy birthday 

Pisces: A month where work and business take the forefront. Some of you may get married this month, sign important contracts, learn you are about to be a parent or have some major news about your father. Double and triple check your information until the end of the month as the shadow of Mercury retrograde remains until January 21.